posted on Dec, 27 2004 @ 03:33 PM
We have a large amount of UFO sightings here. Recently there was one witnessed by a lot of people, including Cleveland area police.
The police actually made a press statement though that was on one of the major nightly news channels.
They said, and I quote, "It's just normal activity", and that was it.......
About 7 years ago, a friend and I used to see this same chrome colored UFO towards the end of the month....usually about the 26th and after. This went
on for easily 6 months and the sightings got more and more frequent. What more importantly should be popinted out, we realized they seemed to be
following us.
We had also witnessed the light shows from it you see in video footage. Where they change color and size and almost seem like some cosmic light show
though I'm certain they're up to something when doing so.
ANYWAY, one day I said dude, that thing is DEFINITELY following us. So I drive East for about 20 minutes and it goes with us. We actually see numerous
cars pulled over and people standing and watching it, some with binoculars.
SOOOOO, I turned around right?
We drive for about half an hour west and the damn thing follows us. Low and behold, more people are pulled over watching it. We get so far west I say
screw it, lets drive into Cleveland and see my Grandfather and go to dinner with him....the thing he always does with company.
We get to Cleveland right. The downtown area is within sight and a 5 minute advance on the freeway. The UFO is now directly over the downtown area and
buildings. Now take into account it was always pretty high in the sky but there was generally a pretty large panaramic view of it.
All of a sudden 5 to 6 military jets show up and are rocketing in it's direction. There are two airpoprts RIGHT there that are more military and
industrial use than passenger.
Like in the videos and other footage, it like shrinks in size, expands and then basically streaks away but more so borderline simply
Here is my conclusion. The guy I was hanging with was pretty much a polar opposite of myself.My mother told me one day he looked just like her uncle
Danny, and it turns out his last name, was also within our family tree.
Further more, both our families have military and their Grandfather was like some sort of scientist/engineer. What's funny is he read ALL the tabloid
newspapers like the Enquirer as his regular newspapers....kinda like in the Men In Black movie......
I sometimes wonder if because we were such oposites, they were studying us and even more so, wondering why we were friends.....
I still believe whatever their reasons were, they were MUCH more sinister than anything I can imagine.
I think anyone who believes any of these entities doing these things have purely positive intentions, needs to pull their head out of their a$$.
This is one of the relatively mild encounters........