posted on Jun, 12 2015 @ 04:15 AM
Shocking new video shows unarmed Utah man was listening to headphones when killed by police.
No one, throughout mankind's history has ever listened to headphones, unless of course, headphones is a group? The title should be "Utah man wearing
headphones when killed by police officer." You listen 'with', you listen 'on', but you never listen 'to'...phones. If you want to be taken
seriously, ensure your grammar and syntax and spelling is correct.
By the way, the police officer who shot and killed the guy wearing headphones should be prosecuted for manslaughter, because he was neither trained
nor ready for street work.
Until the American people get off their asses and sort out the obvious police problem running rife and rampant across the whole country, I will
continue to perceive all American cops as thugs and killers (yes, I'm tarring them all with the same brush), and the American people as cowards. If
you are a cop, and believe yourself to be a good cop, then it is incumbent upon you, for the sake of your profession, and for the sake of the health
and lives of the American public to not support, or help to condone bad cops, unprofessional cops, or thugs in uniform. I blame good cops for staying
silent and inert!
edit on 12/6/15 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)