posted on May, 31 2015 @ 04:10 AM
Hope im doing my first post correctly...
Hello ATS,
I am a frequent visitor, new member, and wise, open minded individual. I first found this site by researching and reading up on UFO's, paranormal
events, and cryptozoology. I have since found myself returning to study and learn about many of the fascinating things about our existence and world.
As for some of my own personal experiences, I do recall dreaming as a child on multiple occasions that I was floating above my body and looking down
at myself sleeping. I have since determined that these "dreams" I had experienced as a child, was lonely me having an OOBE. Ever since I made this
connection I have wanted to have more of these OOBE experiences, as so many of you have had. They seem so magical and wonderful. However, I have had
no luck as an adult. Something else about me is that I feel I view the world a bit differently than others as I see the world through my eyes in what
I call pixel vision. The best way to describe this is whatever I look at ( even scenery) is made up of billions of pixels that seem to be static like
in movement if I stay still. Think of it like looking at an LCD display and being able to see each individual pixel and it's unique color.
Anyways I am new here and feel this is quite a unique forum. I feel I am among others who feel and believe that this world holds more than meets the
eyes. I am very much an open minded person and consider myself spiritual as I do believe in a God or Higher Power/ Creator. I often pray and feel this
has made a real positive impact throughout my life and has gotten me through many tough times. However, am by no means a religious fanatic as I don't
go to church and only read the bible on occasion. Still, I feel connected and watched over spiritually. Being a college graduate, I have found that
people have often tried to debunk and get you to see things more practical (or at least try to get you to see both sides of the spectrum) by teaching
things like how having faith, praying, and putting things in the hands of a higher being is really just us letting go of responsibility, which
inevitably seems to help us in our lives, thus fulfilling the power of prayer in our minds. Regardless, I still believe in a God and continue to pray
as it has a real positive effect in my personal life. Although, I do see the reasoning of those people's thinking. I hope you can follow what I was
trying to say.
Anyways, I just am new and feel at home as I'm with other who believe there is much more to our existence. Things that is being kept from us by
governing powers.
Thanks for your time.