posted on May, 30 2015 @ 11:56 PM
I've always found it fascinating, the strange sense moms have for what is happening to their kids, even far away!
I imagine one day we'll be able to determine a scientific explanation.
But it happened again to me.
Woke up at four AM, wide awake, filled with energy, unable to stay in bed. I got up, looked out at the starry sky and wondered what the heck I should
do- try to sleep, make coffee.....I thought about the busy day I had planned ahead, and how tired I'll be getting up so early. But I was wide awake,
and there was nothing to be done about that.
So I got up, did laundry, scanned the internet, watched cute cat videos.... until finally, I got a call at 6:00. My daughter had gone into labor at 4
AM and went to the hospital. She lives about an hour away. Baby hasn't arrived yet, but I'm on my way to the hospital.
When she was born, my own mother had flown over here and was next to me when I gave birth. It was probably the only, or at least most memorable
supportive thing she had ever done for me, and she did it right before she died.
Today is Mothers Day in France. This is a wonderful Mothers day present for us both!
Just thinking being a mother is the most awesome adventure I've had so far!!