Sleep walking, in many cases, results in a defective or stripped safeguard the brain employs in preventing a person from physically acting out dreams
in REM. Your brain typically neutralizes voluntary motor functions as remedy, hence the jerky twitching during this cycle.
Sleep paralysis is the dipole to this feature. Sleep paralysis occurs when the safeguard operates too well, temporarily bleeding the motor lock into
wake time. Folks "claiming" strange abduction events, religiously mistake these abberations for their vivid fantasies.
The juxtaposition of the pair, is a tailored control over your dream states. People use it for access to "lucid dreaming". It allows you to
consciously react during dream, where previously a subject is restrained from doing do. An example is, getting assaulted and not being fight back, or
the treadmill effect, while running from or after a foci. Consequently, the soft liberation/release of the safeguard, may not result in sleepwalking,
but often results in suddenly waking up physically kicking and punching nebulous apparitions, bound to the aether. Not a paramount condition for your
Now to address your situation at hand. The controls installed in lieu of the sleepwalking is sufficient for her monitoring now, but an audio baby
monitor be a reliable substitute when she matures. A friend of mine had a father who had this condition. A technique they discovered useful in amend
was, a trick dreamwalkers (different than sleepwalkers) use to recall visions during hypnogogic states. It entails practice of drifting off while
holding an object. Some use a cup of water, a book, a tv remote, etc. In doing so, your subconscious mind looks to automatically correct the case of
dropping the object before slumber, reliability jogging your body, and snapping you out of falling asleep. My friend confided his glee in the
technique's potency, lifting the veil of anxiety produced by his father's nocturnal geas.
On an unrelated side note, that same friend insists a correlation between his father's oddity and his suspect ability to transverse the astral and
portent events during his own hypnogogia. An interesting claim.
edit on 30-5-2015 by trifecta because: (no reason given)