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posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 12:54 AM
Yes I agree life is full of conspiracies, but I suppose instead of forming to it, we should contour life to form to us, that is how I see escaping the inevitable, as one might see it. I believe life for the most part without fate blah blah, is more so about choice and nonconforming..unless of course one is totally unaware of what's going on-in which case, we all could be

Edit~Thank you Tyriffic, for your comments and long time no post ay? I am aware of trance meditation, and it is valid but not in reference to the answer I'm seeking
However I will say, this particular thread is not one of my top priorities of things to have answered and so on..

[Edited on 10/4/03 by magestica]

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 12:58 AM
The Matrix movies are metaphors for our existential lives. We surround ourselves with convienences which in turn become a part of our framework in everyday living. We think we can not do without our little appliances and entertainment because we are conditioned, or compulsed to reject inactivity at all costs. My opinion is that nature abhors a vacuum, and a lack of substance in a persons life may be relative to how one fills this vacuum.

Obsessing the Conspiracy may be one symptom...

That feeling of despair when the power drops in your house for instance- the deafening silence and you are forced to think once again without constant distraction.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:01 AM
i just noticed your signature. this is the realm of the android meme. the collective subconcious.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:04 AM
I believe in a quintessential matrix which we are not aware of, and which is very different to what the movies portray.

The movies have to appeal to the goth-industrial kids as well as the mainstream, and they have to put bums on seats and sell video games, so they become stuffed full of cyber-reality action drama rubbish.

I believe more in the matrix of a collective consciousness, which is well beyond influence by marketing and propaganda and forces of social control. As we evolve further we will tap into it further for the good, there are no major cyberbattles to be fought there.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by Tyriffic
The Matrix movies are metaphors for our existential lives. We surround ourselves with convienences which in turn become a part of our framework in everyday living. We think we can not do without our little appliances and entertainment because we are conditioned, or compulsed to reject inactivity at all costs. My opinion is that nature abhors a vacuum, and a lack of substance in a persons life may be relative to how one fills this vacuum.

Obsessing the Conspiracy may be one symptom...

That feeling of despair when the power drops in your house for instance- the deafening silence and you are forced to think once again without constant distraction.

this is it. hypnotized. massaged by the medium.
i felt joy when the power went out. it was the best day of the year.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:08 AM
Yes, after you are untethered the relief is very soothing....

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
I believe in a quintessential matrix which we are not aware of, and which is very different to what the movies portray.

The movies have to appeal to the goth-industrial kids as well as the mainstream, and they have to put bums on seats and sell video games, so they become stuffed full of cyber-reality action drama rubbish.

I believe more in the matrix of a collective consciousness, which is well beyond influence by marketing and propaganda and forces of social control. As we evolve further we will tap into it further for the good, there are no major cyberbattles to be fought there.

You don't think there may be an external control in this collective????

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
I believe more in the matrix of a collective consciousness, which is well beyond influence by marketing and propaganda and forces of social control. As we evolve further we will tap into it further for the good, there are no major cyberbattles to be fought there.

I somewhat can agree..however I wouldn't jump the gun, there very well may be battles to be fought and won, people are fighting battles within their subconscious all the time. Perhaps there is a connection with other individuals and perhaps it is a solitary battle..but I can imagine, this might lead to insanity or atleast as far as the medical field is concerned...

Interesting concept/comments MA

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
I believe in a quintessential matrix which we are not aware of, and which is very different to what the movies portray.

i totally agree.

I believe more in the matrix of a collective consciousness, which is well beyond influence by marketing and propaganda and forces of social control. As we evolve further we will tap into it further for the good, there are no major cyberbattles to be fought there.

i believe everything is connected. my dreams have kung fu grip and ram tough power. as above, so below(tired, i know, but true none the less).

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:14 AM
I went to a hypnotist when I was 16 years old because I wanted to control my worked. It wasn't like in the movies, but it worked. And the long-term effects (about 5 years) were very measurable.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:15 AM
I was told by hairdresser friend that she sees people get hypnotized all the time sitting in the chair. She mentioned it to someone with knowledge of those things (a psychotherapist) and he told her that it was common.
As for why some people are susceptible and others are not, he said that it depends on the person's frame of mind. People who are balancing their checkbook in their mind are much less likely to fall into the relaxed state required. Sounded good to me.
My ex went to a hypnotist ($100) to quit smoking. She quit and got mean as hell, I was almost glad she started again.


posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:22 AM
...after hypnosis my dog questioned his existence...I gave him a hydrant.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
I believe in a quintessential matrix which we are not aware of, and which is very different to what the movies portray.

i totally agree.

I believe more in the matrix of a collective consciousness, which is well beyond influence by marketing and propaganda and forces of social control. As we evolve further we will tap into it further for the good, there are no major cyberbattles to be fought there.

i believe everything is connected. my dreams have kung fu grip and ram tough power. as above, so below(tired, i know, but true none the less).

Aliester Crowley manipulated the Ether did he not??

Do as thou wilt...?

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 02:20 AM
Yes hypnosis can be dangerous and needs to be used by trained people and not be toyed with.
One cannot be hypnotised against their will, and "post hypnotic suggestions" can cause subjects to forget the session altogether.
It is not magic, or witchcraft, but a very useful tool with some wierd results.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 02:46 AM
I talked to a hypnotist who did a comedy show here once after the show.. he had 8 volunteers go up to be hypnotized, and one of them wouldn't be hyptnotized so he got a new volunteer.. after the show i asked him why that was..
he said simply
If you don't want to be hypnotized, you won't be hypnotized.. and sometimes if you think you want to, your mind decides it won't allow you to be hypnotized.

He also said virtually everyone can be hypnotized if they allow it.

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