posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 12:27 PM
Ya know, I love the fact that I can just think of the most off the wall things to ask and discuss and I can always count on you fabulous people to add
a deeper meaning to my thoughts
I am a heavy thinker and wonderer and it means alot to me to be able to share what I think about with you all and
have you share back is that much greater to me..
I know, that in reality we are much more advanced then our ancient kin. But sometimes I just can't help think that we could very well be using a
great deal less of our brains today then what they did long long ago. They just seem to have it together so much more then we do today, there wasn't
too many material things to focus on therefore they had so much more dependence on theirselves and eachother. They used their minds together and their
strengths to acheive what they strived for and needed. They moved through life with less objects and devices to depend on..and this is just so
impressive to me.
Seems our world has become far less easy and much more complicated then it has ever been. The more things we learn, the less we actually know and this
is why I wondered if we weren't actually reversing in intelligence. Sometimes I think 'less' is better, but our world and state of mind that we
live in has become so dependant on more more and it's never enough. It reminds me of having way too much info on your computer and it causes it to
slow down and even could cause it to crash with the overload of info that it has no idea what to do with and where to store it-that's how I feel
about our minds and knowledge today.
Really fantastic thoughts you all added though here, think we all kind of took it further then actual intelligence..which is no complaint to me
This is what discussions are all about..