posted on May, 27 2015 @ 11:47 PM
Hey ATS I am trying to work out If Jade Helm is a threat to us or not and where it may lead to if it is true.
So to get a better picture I need to know what cities the military or fema or whatever other groups have been doing drills and exercises in and over
the last couple of weeks under any guises whatsoever,
My ever suspicious mind has been thinking about this for the last couple of weeks when the Australian military were doing an exercise which included
flying a helicopter over Sydney CBD and apparently they were doing other exercises out into the western side of Sydney the previous few days, then
last week all emergency services including our SES did a drill under the guise of a terrorist attack in the CBD although it was centred in a tube
There could be various reasons for this, one is that it is a genuine practice exercise, another is it is just being used to keep the public in fear or
the worst case is that they are planning on rounding up members of the public that are aware of the corruption that has completely taken over our
governments, corporations, charities, institutions and security companies.
So what cities have had any security services carrying out drills or practices over the last couple of weeks ATS.