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Ouija Board: Tips and Tricks? (my first thread!)

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posted on May, 28 2015 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Theoretically I could make one right on this screen and use my mouse?

There are Ouija apps for smart devices, and i think there are online Ouija boards, too. But, yeah, you can draw on cardboard or make one in MSPaint. They all have the same rate of success.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 03:28 PM
I won't even read your post, as it's about "tips and tricks" for a ouji board, and this is how fundamentally honest I look at this: Don't screw around with that. It isn't a game. Research the ouji board being introduced in the 1950's as a game when it is nothing at all like that.

It is a doorway, an invitation, to something, believe me, that won't be good for you, in the long run.
edit on 28-5-2015 by tetra50 because: spelling

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: katiebug8221

hubris compels me to advocate blind studies of a similar ilk to the experiment i tried in 2006 :


posted on May, 28 2015 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: katiebug8221

Don't be afraid to use the board, it's a toy controlled by your subconscious if you can get it to work. Anyone who says they have had bad experiences or are opening gateways for demons are talking nonsense, they live in la la land. See for yourself, if it works then try again with a blindfold and it will 100% not work.

This short video explains the science behind it

Please don't believe anyone telling you they have experienced demons or bad was all in their head.

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

Do you have any particular meditations or exercises you prefer to practice?

posted on May, 28 2015 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: katiebug8221
Here are the questions we have:
1. Do you have any advice on how to use the board safely?
2. Are there any questions/phrases/words to avoid? (e.g. should we avoid asking how they died, because it forces them to relive it?)
3. What questions should we ask?
4. Would asking questions about the future be appropriate?
5. Should we have any materials nearby? (e.g. Bible)
6. (Stemming from the previous) would sage be inappropriate to burn during the session?
7. Where would be the best place to do it? We were considering either the backyard or garage.

Thank you SO much!

I'll try not to make this long, but I once was the proud owner of a board that was bought off Ebay (used, and from the 1920's, when they were made by William Fuld).

I did everything you weren't supposed to as a challenge: Used it alone, left the planchette on the board, didn't close any of my sessions, and several times I challenged any entity to show itself or show me a sign it was there. Well, nothing creepy ever happened - My guess was that the entities were hiding out of sight laughing their heads off at my futile attempts to contact them (I couldn't sense any nearby when I had the board out, so I literally had a "dead" board).

Anyway, onto your questions:
1. If you want to be safe using the board, you would typically do some kind of cleansing session and setup a space. The cleansing session is meant to keep "negative" entities away from you. You can read a prayer, smudge with your choice of herbs (sage would be perfect), ground yourself, light candles - The important part is that you believe what you are doing will protect you.

2. It's often wise to not ask about future events - As others have said, it's almost impossible to tell who, or what, you will get through the board; asking the future seems to get a lot of negative responses back.

3. As for what questions you should ask - What are you looking to get out of the session? Stick to those questions.

5. The only thing you should have nearby is an object you deem to be protective - I kept quartz crystals close because I felt that they were protective. If it's a bible for you, then keep the bible close.

6. You can burn sage - some people burn incense to get themselves into a relaxed state of mind.

7. As for location - There are some places you should not pick (IE: Graveyards would not be my first choice), and between the Garage and Back Yard, I'd pick the back yard. Why? Well...

A. It's easier to run away from something, should it manifest (worst case is you run indoors and leave the board outside).

B. Inside a garage, you run the risk of it being contained - Remember, a house acts as a barrier itself, so once you get an entity in there, it will stay put. I personally would not like to see an entity glaring at me while I start the car up every morning (it's bad enough my cat already does this).

C. It's usually better to keep a special spot for working with the Ouija board - Now, while I slept in the same room that had the board, and have never experienced an issue...I'd still feel better about having the board outside (especially if the board is the focus of the activity).

Just remember, playing with one of these is playing with fire - sometimes nothing happens, and other times you singe your eyebrows.


posted on May, 28 2015 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

I'll do it. You don't have to use an official board do you? You can scratch one up on a piece of paper and use any old thing as a planchette right?

I'm willing to risk turning this apartment into a haunted demon zone to show nothing will happen.

Theoretically I could make one right on this screen and use my mouse?

Where is the evidence that shows it contacts spirits? Anecdotal evidence isn't proof. I know of people who have done some controlled experiments like the one I suggested above and the things don't work via spiritual influences.

You would be doing us all a massive favor if you actually followed through with this proposition. I mean, telling everyone their anecdotes prove nothing by providing your own anecdote is powerful persuasion as is, but I think you could really solve this thing once and for all because you are willing to take the risk. Please jump right on into the alleged demon zone. Record your controlled experiment on video and share it with all of us. Please handle your board and planchette with extreme caution, keeping all parts away from your mouth. You don't want to choke and ruin your chance to prove to everyone that they are wrong about the board.

Science will have your back no matter the outcome.

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 01:56 AM
i tried it alone at midnight in a secluded area, couldnt get it work even after 10-20 mins before i finally give up

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: katiebug8221

goodness gracious me! the amount of people who have watched too many 'hollywood' films!

i am going to Private Message you!

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 02:11 AM

originally posted by: MusicMaker
Don't be afraid to use the board, it's a toy controlled by your subconscious if you can get it to work. Anyone who says they have had bad experiences or are opening gateways for demons are talking nonsense, they live in la la land.

You say that like it's impossible to trick your subconscious into believing you are possessed and stuff like that.

You say that like things like hypnotism are not dangerous, like it's impossible to mess up with your mind while playing with your subconscious.

It doesn't matter if spirits are real or not as long as you believe you will get something through the Ouija board.

Magic 101

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: katiebug8221

yes, definitely! there's actually a great book available for free online in PDF format called "Awakening the Third Eye by Samuel Sagan, M.D.

It's extremely detailed and informative. It has everything you need to develop your third eye. Which is your bridge to the spiritual planes of existence. It's also your source of intuition.

Please don't listen to the closed minded individuals coming in here telling you Ouija is just a harmless toy. The reason they've never had an spiritual experiences is because their minds are closed off. This precludes them from having any success in using their third eye, so they are blind to the world that exists beyond their everyday perception. Not to mention their pineal gland is probably calcified and useless because of all the crap they eat and drink. But, I shouldn't have to tell you this, as you've already had experiences yourself.

People seem to think that the only things that exist are things that can be touched, seen, heard, smelt or tasted.

There is literally an infinite world beyond that of our limited 5 sense perception.
edit on 29-5-2015 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2015 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: TruthLover557

Point taken.

Seems like it would be a pointless endevour.

posted on May, 30 2015 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: katiebug8221

originally posted by: katiebug8221
Hi there! I'm going to apologize in advance if I do anything wrong; this is my first thread on this site! Now I know there are other threads concerning Ouija boards, but I wanted to say a bit about myself (and the others participating) and a few specific questions we had. Here it goes!

I've been seeing spirits since I was four years old. I've dealt with a negative attachment and shadow people. But most of the entities I see are positive, and recently my sight has weakened due to school stress. My first friend is a sensitive, who can tell when there is something nearby, but cannot see it. She has a close relationship to three different mediums and has done extensive research on the paranormal. My second friend doesn't have any psychic ability but has an interest due to her close relationship with me. We are all mentally stable.

Here are the questions we have:
1. Do you have any advice on how to use the board safely?
2. Are there any questions/phrases/words to avoid? (e.g. should we avoid asking how they died, because it forces them to relive it?)
3. What questions should we ask?
4. Would asking questions about the future be appropriate?
5. Should we have any materials nearby? (e.g. Bible)
6. (Stemming from the previous) would sage be inappropriate to burn during the session?
7. Where would be the best place to do it? We were considering either the backyard or garage.

Thank you SO much!

I'm a little late to the party & I see many have discouraged or tried to instill fear in you, but hopefully it's not to late and you didn't loose interest. First off I will say I've used the board many times. Iv'e done it solo, different people etc. I know if someone is BSing or if it's actually happening. I would say I'm extremely experienced when it comes to this subject matter.
So without further delay let me answer your questions.

1. If you want actual results you can't worry about being safe, some risk must be taken. Sure you can take the cliche precautions like, saying good bye,don't ask when someone will die, etc. The best tip I can tell you to help with safety is having strong will power and knowing who you are. If you have that you'll be safe from the entities. (or at least be able to combat them) If you don't like a entity command it to leave, not to follow you.

2. No feel free to ask them anything. I would say you don't want to taunt them. Just treat them like they're an actual person you just met. Respect goes both ways. Also remember they are not google or all knowing, and some may not be able to speak your language that well.

3. Anything you want, however it should relate to the main reason/intention yal want to use the board in the first place.

4. Yes, but be careful to not ask about death or similar situations you may not be able to handle. For example you don't want to self fulfill their prophesies due to you falling into the madness.

5. No, not a bible unless you want it as comfort but having one near kind of contradicts the purpose, because if you were a christian you wouldn't be doing this in the first place or if you were then the entities would know you are confused and try to deceive you more. I say only materials to have is candles to light the area. (be careful not to knock them down or have them in a area that if people panic it will fall) Also you will want a piece of paper and a pen or pencil or perhaps a journal, and a person in the group who is dedicated to just taking notes and recording what is happening so you can review what happened afterwards. Also don't have any electronics around you.

6. Yes because it's generally used to ward them of, so it would be counter productive. Just light white candles.

7. Personally out in nature works the best, but is also the most risky. Use a location that doesn't have many distractions or interruptions. Also you want privacy. If you do it in a house just keep in mind yes you are opening a door/portal and if you don't feel comfortable with things coming, or being drawn to your house do it some place you don't care about. Don't go to a graveyard it's too gimmicky and cliche, plus negative energy and more deceptive types around there.

If you have any other questions or concerns please don't hesitate to Direct Message me and ask. Also keep in mind you are not talking to relatives but what is more commonly known as "demons" it is possible but not likely. Don't give these entities more info then you need to, let them tell you. The more you do it the better you'll get. You may see/hear words or sounds and start getting linked. The board is a tool not a game (even though it is commonly mistaken as one) If first don't succeed

be patient and try again. Start at midnight or 3am, anytime can work but those are the best. Yes it does work even if the participants are "blindfolded" and someone else observes the response. Do not be drunk, or under the influence of any substances when using it, because it is easier to become possessed and or dose not work as well. Don't have too many people on the board, 4 max, 3 preferred, 2 best. I could literally go on and on about this but I think I covered all of the main basics for now. Last but not least, remember you will never know unless you try.

posted on May, 30 2015 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Sunglower
I don't know why everyone is so scared of these things.

Because nasty things can, and do, come from them. They open doors that can't be closed. They are an open invitation for things that we humans can't control.

For whoever is interested - The best way to dispose of a spirit board - bury it with holy water or blessed objects. Never burn them.

posted on May, 31 2015 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: JUhrman

Not at all, like I said its a science, it's all in your head not demons or spirits or gateways to be afraid of. The blindfold trick will prove that, it will also reassure you that there is no demons controlling the board. I get the feeling that no matter what I say or science proves your always going to have an argument for me ?

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: MusicMaker
a reply to: JUhrman

Not at all, like I said its a science, it's all in your head not demons or spirits or gateways to be afraid of. The blindfold trick will prove that, it will also reassure you that there is no demons controlling the board. I get the feeling that no matter what I say or science proves your always going to have an argument for me ?

You don't get it don't you. It's not a matter of is it real or not.

I said no matter if demons are real, it's unwise to play pretend chatting with demons. Exactly because of the subconscious.

Also I don't think I said anything that contradicts science so far. I should know I'm an engineer. It's merely you assuming I believe in demons.
edit on 1-6-2015 by JUhrman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2015 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: JUhrman

because there are no demons, only yourself

posted on Jun, 2 2015 @ 10:36 PM
Hi Katiebug,
So glad you are listening to the majority. My experiences with the board were so frightening I've sworn off them forever and convince everyone else to never touch them. Blindfolded. Yup, done that. My friends and I were so deep into it we didn't even have to ask our question out loud, or even touch the planchette. Honest to God. At first it would move normally, then after we angered the spirit, it flew against the walls. It took that much to make us stop. I' m not the only person this has happened to. My sister tried to warn me, but I didn't listen. There' s much more to the story, I used the board for years with many different interactions. I will never forget the experience and have carefully stored the board since 1983.

Please stay away. There is no good that come from it. And yes, this is my first post-I was looking for something else when I saw the title of the thread and created an account just to respond to your questions.

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