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Adam and the return to Mars

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posted on May, 25 2015 @ 11:24 PM
The story leading up to this event I'm going to extrapolate on, is that Adam makes Eve pregnant too early, and when funky things start happening (morning sickness, swelling tummy etc) they decide to get some advise, but the delicate nature of the problem makes them reluctant to go to Jah, but their quest is so important that the only sensible thing is to hook up with Lilith and her knowledge devise, the Etz ha-Daat AKA the «Tree of Knowledge» — apparently an Apple gadget of some sort
maybe not. But we know travelling through space allows us to travel in time. Anyway. Story goes that when Lilith has exposed the source of Eve's condition as pregnancy, the couple covers their genitals with fig leaves and hides in shame in the garden behind some bushes, and the story goes that God finds them and curse the lot of them. And then:

And the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them. Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—” therefore the LORD God sent him out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.[ESV] Genesis 3:21-24

In other words; «Get dressed for Frig's sake, here's some underwear («garments of skins» means underwear as in «clothes next to the skin») and here have some clothes, and piss off already!»

Realising that Adam (not Eve, she was cursed, while ha-Adama or planet Mars was cursed in Adam's place) has become a god like himself in knowing good and pleasant, and naturally all the wickedly bad, naughty stuff, God then sends the couple to Earth (עפר «Aper» lit. organic dirt, but it sounds exactly like the Norwegian word for Apes which is just lovely I think, and quite true actually hehe) and he reveals that Earth was the place from which Adam was once taken. Mars was a sandbox for developing new species, and now God had made a human god fit for ruling Earth with its apes and its muck, and eventually develop the knowledge and technology needed in order to return to Mars (one of these days that is) and go beyond. So he sends them upstream (back to Earth) to let Adam rise into divinity and eventually become a star traveller. God places «the two ancient Kerubim» («to the East» is just one way of translating the given word, of old times or simply ancient is better when you realise that this is not about some garden, but interplanetary space travel) angels or «the Kerubim of old» (Mars' two moons, Phobos (panic/fear) and Deimos (terror/dread)) and the «the sword of intense heat and fire», and «the retrograde motion» (Strong's H-2015), «to guard or complicate the the way to the tree of life» — the Bomb, or the weapon of intense heat and fire or perhaps an allusion to the apparent movement of the Sun across the sky— and the illusion of an apparent and retrograde motion of Mars as Earth pass on the inside, to complicate the return to Mars and Man's ambition to create new lifeforms.

As you see, Genesis holds more than meets the eye in modern, foreign (in a biblical sense, English is a foreign language) and thus limited translations into other languages. If Genesis is one thing only, then it is the Hebrew language, the Logos, and Hebrew is an extremely compact and rather intrinsic language as such, with words having plenty different meanings depending on vocalisation, syntax, genus etc. There are different doctrines for voicing Hebrew, but most of these systems of niqquds (vowel diacritics) are rather modern. Originally Genesis was written as one long serpent of knowledge, without blank spaces between words, and no vowels (the apparent vowels in the Hebrew alefbet, like Alef and Ajin &c are mostly gutturals and merely voiced consonants). Thus, a short sentence can be translated in a whole book, all based on doctrine and convention. Feel free not to believe me, but refer to the Hebrew text, and avoid ad hominem deceit and bullying, and not just some poorly translated dogmatic English text. We are not promoting or selling bibles here, we are trying to find the truth. And it's right there in front of our eyes. It is nearly impossible to translate Hebrew without inventing a whole new language for the translation, or to transmute the given language completely as in expanding the lexicon extensively and change the syntax, morphology, semantics and well, easiest thing is to read it in Hebrew and leave it with that.

PS: However, though, my Hebrew is limited to my library mostly, and in order to give this here expansion or interpretation, I have used two interlinear bibles, a Strong's Exhaustive Concordance for its brilliant numbering system alone, then Gesenius and Brown-Driver-Briggs lexica, the Biblica Hebraica Stuttgartensia and the Westminster Leningrad Codex, the ESV and a few other translations, and and their rendition of different bible versions (ESV mostly, which I think is the best one out there in English, by far) and their interlinear, dictionaries and lexica and an online Hebrew translation engine And then there is the weirdness of the Spirit of God and the even weirder intelligence and consciousness that limits or opens depending on one's capacity. I am quite spirited, and quite intelligent, I have to admit that, some might say I am too intelligent and spirited for my own good, but that doesn't make me better or worse, for so are many of you, intelligent, spirited, so please don't simply toss in the KJV or something and your 70 IQ Southern Baptist preacher's BS («Bovine Crap» alt. Belief System, if you believe in the crap, for it's all crap, no crap, no life) expecting people with twice or thrice that IQ to join in, then again, it wouldn't amaze me, for intelligence and understanding are two completely different concepts altogether. But unless you have least have taken the effort to try and learn the language the Booke is written in, i.e. that you have acquired at least some basic understanding of Hebrew, just walk on by, or ask questions and I'll try to answer. Or even better, learn it, get your hands on some of the books I have used here or look em up on the net (most of them are out there), and use your own brains and be creative, you'll learn quite a lot in one year, and in a year this thread is still here. Probably. Like I said, my Hebrew is crap, but I manage to navigate through the texts as I would any text in any language using what linguistic skills and analytical engines and method I have acquired, both at the university and from home studies and endless discussions and soon 20 years of extensive and critical bible and language studies, as for my faith, this story sounds legit when opened up in light of our day, and rather logic, so, well, at least the first few chapters of Genesis holds some rather remarkable notions evidently stuff they could hardly have acquired from imagination alone, I think Earth and our solar system is a project and I do believe this God character is a star travelling scientist and quite the magician. In short: Read, ask, or better still, do the research needed and contribute with an open mind.
edit on 26-5-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: misc

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 02:49 AM
The tree of life is knowledge of Genetics.

What do people call their family, spanning back in generations? The family Tree.
What do we call the *branching* of species. The Tree of life.

*Branching* because it stems from the roots. Which follow the trunk in common ancestors. Leading onward to the thick branches, Fractals that divide themselves into millions of species. From Plants, which is a branch with fractals spanning into millions of species, Fungus, to fish, mammals, Avian to Insects, to reptiles, To microbes, Bacteria, viruses and the cells that make up these organisms.

What makes them good? Knowledge of the Tree can create more Life, Hense the over-abriviated term of Tree of Life. The fruit of the tree is ones work to reach reward. Fruit is a reward given by plants. Hense we know someone by their fruit by their works. If someone has full knowledge of the Tree, they could potencially solve many problems. Understand species without ignorance, and Teraform planets all on their own using the tools of the Tree, Even granting Immortality. Which is what what biologists are working towards with Genetic Engineers and scientists.
This is not science fiction, but fact. Which is Why Eve realized she was naked. And why Adam as well.
The skins are mearly covers of the truth of this knowledge. Because without this knowledge. They couldn't of possibly known what their reproductive organs could create, Nore the damage they could create. Which is why they had to cover up. At least from the story's perspective.

On the other spectrum great good could be created with this knowledge, but with it also. Great Evil. One with such knowledge could tamper with life, And Destroy everything. Which is why it is forbidden... Well. Only forbidden to those who shouldn't have such knowledge because of the potencial to destroy life is great with such knowledge.

We arn't talking you're typical moses sins either. Those only relate to human relations. When we deal with the knowledge of the Tree of life which spans into mathmatics, Sciences, and Genetic synthesis/Engineering. we are talking about tampering with Gods creations, making what was perfect, imperfect.
Hence the ascension to the same status as God, becoming an Architect themselves.

Not sure about the mars thing, will have to Dwell on it. But just wanted to clarify what the Tree of life is because it's pretty self explanitory and most people are clueless as to how a tree could give knowledge of good and Evil.
Well when you think of a Literal Tree with literal fruit that gives you the knowledge of Mundain things like love kindness, sharing, hugging and kissing, Killing, being mean and nasty towards other humans and exploitation. Those are extremely conceited and evil things to Dwell upon for something as symbolic as the tree of life. Since all those are basically.... just day to day human interactions and how we interact with i guess the enviroment. Is it enough to be *Forbidden?* Well it's not enough to destroy Gods creations to say the least.

Now the power to change worlds... To mess with Genetics and to exploit or destroy it utterly. Yeah. Some serious crap with that right there..... All 10 social commandments aside.

That would definitely piss god off if fallen into the wrong humans hands.

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 02:58 AM
Sorry to burst your little fantasy bubble, but even in Hebrew, Genesis says nothing of Mars or space travel.

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: AnuTyr

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

i like that

Heres some Cherubim holding swords protecting DNA or the tree of life as one can see DNA is snake like.

My interpritation of it anyways.

He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.

edit on am5u3115Tue, 26 May 2015 03:07:37 -0500 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistance

Adam means ruddy man. And Lat. Mars means Man, and planet Mars is Red. Ha-Adama, which translates into Red Earth, is an old way of writing Ma'adim in my opinion. Ha-Adama means Red Earth with Man implied, as I showed you and Adam means Man and Red/Ruddy, Ma'adim (Mars) means «Turning Red». Eden, how about the noun Ma'adan, meaning delight/luxury/exclusiveness or even «eatable delicacies» as in «the [fruit of the] tree [of knowledge] was good for food» (Gen 3:6), clearly all these words are connected etymologically, and they play on red, delight, man, Mars, red ocre soil from which Adam was shaped— Planet Mars. Where the path to the Tree of Life leads. Probably not an actual tree, but probably some kind of milestone, a scientific paradigm that is bound to come. And it coincides with Man returning to Eden with it's two Kerubs (moons).

Like I said, Hebrew is a complex, but compact, quite an intrinsic language and knowing it's as old as it is, it is remarkably modern in structure, it is so interwoven with parallells and crossing semantics and etymologies. Don't forget that the OT is not written in one Hebrew dialect, but several, and then we have Aramaic and Chaldean both in several different dialects. And we have the Greek LXX. The Book of Job clearly predates Genesis with perhaps as much as 1000 years and is possibly the oldest book known written in Hebrew. Compare Job with Daniel or Genesis for that matter, words change like I showed above, just like Shakespeare-English is far from modern RP English or Cockney or Australian for that matter.
edit on 26-5-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: good for food

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 04:55 AM

originally posted by: AnuTyr
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

i like that

Heres some Cherubim holding swords protecting DNA or the tree of life as one can see DNA is snake like.

My interpritation of it anyways.

Ah, cool drawing, where did you find it?

Compare that picture with the Egyptian H-letter:

-- Transliterated as ḥ
-- Arabic letter Hah
-- Hebrew letter Heh

According to ancient Egyptian creation myths about the creator god Hu-Hu, his name reflecting his first and last breaths— his first breath created the constellation we know as Orion (Kesil in Hebrew) and the last thing he created was As-Ar (Osiris/Moses— compare with JaH-VaH, two syllables, two breaths, and God is the First and the Last) probably the Giseh plateu with the pyramids and other now hidden locations for the four surrounding stars. Orion was the soul of Osiris, so it describes the process of designing star systems and life. Genetics.

Now take a picture of the Gizeh pyramids, and superimpose a picture of Orion:

By which star would you start to dig? Rigel? Bellatrix? Betelgause? I bet you'd find something beneath all of them. First step would perhaps be to translate the names and learn what they mean....
edit on 26-5-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: Jahveh

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

I see that some of us have a lot of time that we don't know what to do with.... But it seems clear to me that Nature has found an answer to an unasked question of what, exactly, to do with that time.? As a result, some folks write lengthy exercises in wild imaginations and other folks come along to piss on their parade (much like male dogs on a newly washed car tire). Total sum according to Nature is zero. Everything cancels itself out. I think that is called the "steady-state effect," meaning, of course, nothing changes, or SOS.

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: Utnapisjtim

originally posted by: AnuTyr
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

i like that

Heres some Cherubim holding swords protecting DNA or the tree of life as one can see DNA is snake like.

My interpritation of it anyways.

Ah, cool drawing, where did you find it?

It's the Dragon Mush Ussu or in Sumerian it was called Nin-gish-zida. It's from 2100 BPE and is pretty widely regarded as one of several Sumerian myths that were combined and appropriated by the Hebrews to create the Adam and Eve story. The parallels between the Hebrew story and that of Nin-gish-zida alone are pretty striking without even throwing the others into the fire and Nin-gish-zida is pretty clearly a direct influence on the serpent portion of the Adam and Eve story. This link gives a brief overview but it's a decent starting place if you want to look into it a little further-

It's always interesting for me to see how the varying religions of that region impacted and influenced one another back and forth.

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: Aliensun


Actually, I didn't use that much time on it, I was reading anyway, and I need to keep the lump of sparkling fatty tissue up there in order not to turn it into gravy from being idle. Couldn't sleep. Kept thinking of Adam and Eve's underwear. Have you tried sleeping while thinking about god-made pantyhoses? Doesn't work well.
edit on 26-5-2015 by Utnapisjtim because: ...

posted on May, 26 2015 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

Kool, I'll look it up later. I think it's in the Atrahasis tablets that the Flood is described as a weapon: The Kashushu-weapon. Kashushu sounds very similar to Mushussu. Is the birdie somehow involved with the Flood? I know, I should read up, but I need some sleep here.

Well, couldn't let it be, found it in one of my books. Snake-dragon with horns (but no wings and it walks on all four), snake's body and neck, lion's forelegs, and birdie hindlegs. Akkadian to Hellenistic periods, symbol of several gods (divine aspect of simply being divine, or perhaps a weapon the gods were in control of, or a national totem perhaps? Like a Ba or a Ka in Egypt?). The name means «Furious Snake».

And what do you know, I found a picture in my book of the very vase your drawing was based upon, here the dragons are referred to as Sashmu, a text dedicates the vase to Gudea's (prince of Lagash), to his 'personal god' Ningishzida. From Girsu (Modern Tellu- as in Tellus? Earth?). Remember that the two kerubim of Genesis were situated East of Eden.

A seven-headed (!) mushmahhu dragon/monster is referred to in the texts perhaps the Hydra killed by Ninurta (Ningirsu), and the Plant of Life is mentioned in the same paragraph, the Mongoose.

I love this book, it tens to deliver every time, it's really rewarding, it's called «Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia» (University of Texas Press - by Jeremy Black and Anthony Green, illustrated by Tessa Rickards, ISBN 978-0-292-70794-8. The price on the cover says $29.95

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