posted on May, 24 2015 @ 02:40 PM
These people who buy those mobile home parks are opportunistic bottom-feeders who grow rich off the individuals who are typically on social security,
and often have no cars, and no way to better themselves. This is NOT capitalism. This is the result of a fascist state (merging of governmental and
corporate power), and the canary in the coal mine are these individuals. The nanny state will give you $700 per month, and make you pay $550 a month
to rent a run-down shack. Way to go, America. Sent all our jobs overseas, and left us weak and desperate for whatever we can get from Uncle Sugar's
The vultures who look to become the one percent on the misery of the 99 percent make me sick. Emulate them? I want to slap them, and make them live
in the crappy, smelly trailers they charge so much for.