posted on May, 25 2015 @ 04:11 PM
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Mighty broad brush there.
The Clubs / gangs are all over the spectrum. You cant paint them the same.
As for the 1% er s that is a subjective view. Some clubs all run with 1% on the vest / jacket . Now other clubs the 1% is only worn by a member
who has committed a violent felony in front of 2 or more members .
As for bar room brawls if they are wearing colors and some one hits them thats disrespecting the club not the person. Kinda like when you hit a cop
in blues the whole force is on your butt. If no colors and no weapons I have seen the club bros sit and bet who wins.
There are some nasty ones out there. Some wont deal any drugs some any thing goes. One west based wont sell to same race or in their home town just
the ghettos.
I know some from a different chapter of the Banditos and some are squeaky clean and have a good high paying professional job.
And yes some are nothing more than a street punk gang . But some are not .
I rode for decades and never wore a patch but was invited to some awesome parties at their club houses some were just a hole in the wall others was a
20 acre farm/ranch with full bar and pool tables even bands .
I never rode east of the Mississippi but all of the west except Montana . Biker and 1% ers are as varied as humanity is . At least from the ones
I have meet rode with or drank beer and shot pool with. I never ran across a Dr or judge as a 1% er but pretty much every other field even some
men in blue.