originally posted by: KnightLight
originally posted by: ZeussusZ
a reply to: wasaka
Don't think a computer can predict what a actual living human being with do. When all logic and reasoning points one way , humans can and often do
the opposite. I make decisions now that are totally bad for me and don't care. When given a Left or right options I sometimes go up, backwards or
take no option at all.
But the algorithm knows you don't follow logic.. And it knows where you break down even.. Your unpredictability is predictable.
I worry about the ones who's lives appear to be in a pattern to overthrow the game they are running..
There will be some people that cannot be "simulated", due to a high level of inaccuracy in the data that is collected on them. Some simple examples
would be homeless people, old people that don't use credit or the internet and low wage earners functioning on cash, using cell phones etc on a
relatives account that their name is not on (I have a brother-in that does all of the above and couch surfs, there's no way a simulation would know
anything about him because he has virtually no digital footprint).
When this "simulation" becomes a real part of business revenue projections and directly influences tax revenue projections and collection methids,
these people that "cannot be simulated" will be labeled criminals and put on some kind of supervised probation and forced to adapt habits that can
be tracked digitally. I can GUARANTEE it.
Millennial's however are likely the easiest to simulate because they already gave away the keys to the castle and have no intention of taking those
keys back. Millennial's falsely believe tech will save and unite them, when in reality it was designed by "corporate committee" to do just the
opposite. The only way to prevent that shift, is for Millennial's to STOP buying such tech, opposing the development of said tech and discouraging
others from buying and using it, even if it means using force. But, they will NEVER do this because they drank the cool-aid and are also addicted to
technology. Think about it, I'm seeing commercials for ordering pizza on a phone app, whats the point? To appease Millennial's. Did this cohort
take the time to think about whether it is really more convenient to type an order in on an app, than calling the order in on a phone? No they
didn't AND by using the phone app to place a FOOD ORDER instead of a phone the pizza seller can then become a data broker making money selling
customer info.
Consumers will not have choices in the future because purchases will be mandatory in some way. "Click-Wrap Agreements" and a cashless society will
make that transition easier for the "Owners of Capital" to force on the general populace. Now add in an accurate "simulated you" owned by big
corporations and the government, we can all easily see that "quotas" for behavior and purchases won't be far behind.
Policies structured like Obamacare should have taught us ALL how these kinds of scenarios will play out. Obamacare is merely the test run of how to
implement legislated purchases on a large scale. "Click-Wrap Agreements" a cashless society will only strengthen similar policies in the future.
What do I mean exactly?
Many forget that we now live in what "could" be considered a fascist country, with oligopolies running it behind the scenes. What usually results,
is a situation where the "owners of capital", can and will "legislate" mandatory purchases in the future, if revenue does not match their
expectations or projections (for the good of the nation of course, i.e., Too-Big-to-Fail).
So for example, if someone chooses not to buy unneeded goods or services, they will simply pay a "penalty" at tax time or some scheme involving a
"negative interest rate". When the "owners of capital" run out of consumer goods that they can "strongly coerce" people to buy, in order to go
to work, such as, gasoline, internet connection, car insurance, bus/subway fare, cell phones, suits/uniforms, soap, deodorant, razors, etc, one day,
they will simply make it law that you have to buy them, in certain quantities before tax season (the current Healthcare dependent, Flexible Spending
Account, FSA, is just the pilot program, one day we will have an FSA for ALL goods and services, and you can bet they will be use-it or lose-it).
Also, since you won't own these new "digital cars" or "digital media" that means you could be billed for "damage to the vehicle or product"
from the "real owners" at any time.
You will not be allowed to be frugal in the future because the "owners of capital" will take close to the same amount back, when a person tries to
save money by reducing purchases, in the form of "tax penalties" or other method (cashless, digital currency,, negative interest rate, deductions
from bank accounts whenever the "owners of capital" see fit). A cashless society, dominated by "click-wrap agreements" is the easiest way to
structure "forced purchases" into the larger economy. Another scenario in the future is when someone chooses "not to buy" and then doesn't have
the proper "proof of purchase" coupon, etc, to prove they bought these items, in the required quantities, when tax fillings come due, the IRS will
have some way to calculate the amount "you should have purchased" (sounds a little like a college FASFA in reverse).
Look at solar roof panels, for example, many local governments are taxing people for installing them because they reduce dependence on local
utilities, which in turn drive down privatized revenue being collected by the contract companies hired running the utilities.
I choose to not trust the intentions of corporations, AT ALL TIMES. The tech being created today is merely a tool of the "Owners of Capital" to
oppress regular people. IN THE NEAR FUTURE, tech will absolutely be designed and bound to do the bidding of corporations and to enforce the will of
government. It will not be independent of the real "owners of capital", by any stretch of the imagination.
Note, I said OWNERS, not "creators", "purchasers" or "users".