posted on May, 15 2015 @ 01:29 AM
A moment when the site was Interrupted by owners.. KUDOS!
I want to buy a shirt or mug.. minus the FRY.. copyright.
A take on the KCCO... ( or keep calm carry on ) per queen..
Yep we're here...
First I'm happy to see the needed updates..
Next time.. pick 4 am not any U.S. time..
For the fact all updates occur Arizona time...
H S H F hold steady hold fast (we'll be back soon) WBBS! ( shirts or mugs to purchase. Proceeds help the site )
Make it happen!
Edit: there was no sarcasm there... it did come when I was trying to get something important to me addressed.. I was answering someones touchy
subject... then poof.. I got FRY'd.. had a small panic I did. But laughed sincerely after the update.
edit on 15-5-2015 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)
edit on 15-5-2015 by Bigburgh because: (no reason given)