posted on May, 27 2015 @ 07:27 AM
Seems to be more than enough Oil in the world for 100's of years to come , not to mention plenty of alternative energy. One must ask, why do we care
about Ukrain?
I don't see how the US is better off ruining all the progress we made with Russia over the last decade over Ukrain.
For that matter why do we care if China builds islands that are sure to be destroyed by a future tsunami in the south China sea's not
energy so what is worth ruining the good relations we were building with our largest competitors?
One could argue that helping Putin in Ukrain would have been more in line with national security of the US and it's people.
I don't like Putin but why exactly are we confronting him in areas with little to no US national interest. Why do we poke at them?
In the past it was oil but that don't hold water now.