a reply to:
So now that I managed to kick you out of a silly mood why not get on with this business about the Elohim, the Demon Disguised as a Snake, the Chosen
Crowd & the Entire History of Planet Earth, past & future. No one can prove anything about any supposed contactee, & many "contactees" are impostors,
but Sixto does seem to be the Real McCoy, & this is the timeline the Visitors passed on to him:
-- supervised by the 24 Elders, who are disembodied entities that make up the galactic gov't., many ET civilizations have been visiting Earth &
started doing so long before there were human beings on it,
-- the local gov't., which rules what terrestrial science calls the "Local Group", but ETs call the "Local Universe", is the Andromeda Council of 9,
&, contrary to what our science claims, the Andromeda Galaxy is the dominant member of the said group, around which all other members of the group
revolve like satellites,
-- Earth has been subjected to many genetic experiments, & there has been hybidization, ET colonization, ET "shipwrecks" & even banishment due to
misconduct (ETs left behind to fend for themselves on Earth),
-- first to arrive were the Ancient Fathers, from the Constellation of the Swan, when the ocean was acidic, & they added life forms to it & used
certain chemical reactions in order to alcalinize it (which, I will add, agrees with what science says about a slightly acidic primordial ocean),
-- they were the first humankind & eventually hibridized with human beings & instructed them, & they're called the "Antarctic Humankind" because they
settled down in underwater bases in what we now call "Antarctica", which in those days was on the equator (this also agrees with modern science [cp.
"plate tectonics", first suggested by Wegener]),
-- they left because 1) after their contribution to the development of life, Nature had to run its own course, & 2) the planet was still far too
geologically unstable & its continents too soggy to harbor any kind of civilization,
-- eons later there was a second visit, during the Mesozoic Era, and these visitors are called the "Hyperboreans" because they colonized the northern
reaches, but Earth remained unstable, & there were several consecutive waves of emigration because they feared the impact of a celestial object, so
that when it happened there were few of them still on Earth, & it was the catastrophic impact that was one of the causes (maybe the main cause, but
I'm just guessing here) of the extinction the dinos about 65 million yrs. ago,
-- during the next, or Cenozoic, Era, seven engineers whom the Bible calls the "Elohim" arrived in order to promote the development of native humans
(they are a hierarchy that is inferior to that of the 24 Elders, the Guardians are on a third level & the Guides or Instructors are on a fourth
level), & the development of an androgynous people was attempted (Plato tells about this) in the artificial environment of a huge "greenhouse" or
"laboratory" spaceship (with plants & nonhuman animals that were added to the native species), but this was a failure, so they had to go back to the
concept of separate sexes (fortunately!),
-- our ancestors, who were brought up within that gigantic ship, were told never to consume certain plants that contained hallucinogens, since that
would cause both physical & psychic harm, but one of the Elohim disagreed & thought that it would be a fruitful experience, having been persuaded by a
disembodied entity called "Lucifer", so he secretly suggested that they do so, & this was the first case of the use of psychoactive (mind-distorting)
substances, & meanwhile the other six mistakenly assumed that the idea had been conceived by the humans, whose curiosity was deemed to be perilous,
so they were expelled from the ship, were surprised to find other humans roaming outside & interbred with them, & when the truth was discovered the
dissenting Elohim was left behind on Earth, which was the first case of banishment, but eventually they returned to pick him up & see how the humans
were faring (this is what the Bible records as the Tale of the Garden of Eden),
-- the Third Humankind was the Lemurian, the first one to be entirely terrestrial, & it was the outcome of the genetic experiments of the Elohim
(they are the present-day Africans south of the Sahara),
-- the Guides who arrived in order to supervise human development were unable to resist the temptation of interbreeding with humans (cp. the gods of
the Greek pantheon, who did the same), & this led to the Fourth Humankind, the Atlanteans, all of which were taken to some islands in the Atlantic
Ocean where their civilization developed, but they were given information that they were unready to use wisely & this led to the destruction of that
civilization due to a geological upheaval, but some Atlanteans managed to emigrate before it was too late, &
-- two ET civilizations were assigned the mission of planning the last stage of human development, & Part 2 of this account will tell about it,
sometime in the next few days (?).
edit on 15-5-2015 by quodlibet because: had to add a missing "&"