posted on May, 4 2015 @ 05:44 PM
This is sad. He was someone's son, friend, maybe someone's lover and father too. The only good news is that these kinds of killings are rare. RIP
Brian Moore.
My first encounter with the police was when I was three years old. I had gotten a tricycle for my birthday and was riding around in the back yard. My
mom popped out the back door and handed me an empty carton of eggs, and told me to go the store and get some eggs for her. She had no idea I would
take her seriously!
I triked down the block and across a major intersection, waiting for the green light, of course, and headed for the supermarket on the corner. Left my
trike outside and went to the back of the store and picked out a carton of eggs, walked out, got on my trike and started to ride home. Except, while
crossing the intersection on trike, the eggs started to slip out of the carton and broke onto the street. As I was trying to pick them up, my trike
tipped over, and there I was, in tears in the sitting in middle of the crosswalk, at a busy intersection, with eggs all over me!
The police picked me up, and wiped my tears, put my trike in their trunk. They cleaned me up and and gave me an ice cream cone! I was sitting on top
the reception desk at the precinct, eating my ice cream cone, getting fawned over by several nice police officers, when my mother walked in. Boy was
she mad!
But I always had high regard for and trusted the police, since then. I did have a run in with a notorious bad cop that had been demoted to "meter
maid". I won't get into it, but several other officers made it clear that they didn't support his actions and apologized to me. It was because of
their sincere apologies that I didn't sue, even though I could have, and won.
Hope I didn't stray too far from the topic, just wanted to take this opportunity to share my "good cop" stories.