posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 12:46 AM
I've always said cats choose their owners, not the other way around.
I've had a cat that I bought, but that subsequently chose another owner, and I have had a cat that showed up on my doorstep one day and wouldn't
leave- ended up keeping him for 13 years.
We've got two cats already and a third one has been showing up begging to be part of the family, crying outside the door. I have been adamant that I
don't want another, even opening the door to sic the dog on him. But he's been getting braver and braver, sitting curled up in a chair on the
veranda, and not even blinking an eye when I come out yelling and waving my arms.
This morning I watched the dog go out and give him a kiss on the nose, wagging his tail, before curling up next to him.
I guess it's over- he's won. It's a male, so I'll have to have him fixed and all. If I could be reincarnated as an animal, I guess I'd want to be
a cat. They create their lives as they want. They secretly run the world.
Enjoy your new kitty, and I hope you have no trouble finding homes for the kittens!