posted on Apr, 30 2015 @ 06:43 PM
It could be part of an integrated energy network. When you have base load power stations and wind farms that at their lowest running speeds still
create more electricity than is needed the price of electricity drops so low it could then be diverted to the plant to make blue crude.
Also if you have cheap gas, because of all the fracking it might be viable to use that gas to created electricity to power a blue crude plant.
Not exactly green but we do waste a lot of energy because at the moment we cannot store it, see pumped storage schemes is still the most economical
way of storing large amounts of energy, by storing it in water.
pumped storage
So instead of flaring gas or dropping load, that excess energy could be used to create blue crude, stored in huge tanks this could be used to power
gas turbines during peak demands or sold as fuel if the right market demands are in place.