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Theory on reproductivity

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posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 05:39 PM
If you subscribe to the theory that Aliens visit the earth and conduct reproduction experiments on humans like me than I have a new theory about that for you. I was thinking about the movie contact the other day and in particular the last scene with Jodi Foster and her "Dad".

I have not heard this theory brougt up by Ufologist but I think it has merit.
What if the Aliens could be doing reproductive experiments in preparation for a mass contact. If they are planning a mass Contact in the future do you think they are altering the Contactees to look more human to try and make us feel more comfortable. Does anyone agree?

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 05:47 PM
Dought that is there (alians if they excists) plan. After all mixing our dna with theres may be simple enough but rember you get the good with the bad . They would never be able to seperate out our violance tendencys thus incoraprating the violance into there dna and pushing there race back a few million years . Of corse that may explane there (occording to post here) sudden instrest in taking over earth (Dirt) .Why anyone would want to take over a planet named Dirt is behond me though .lol

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Simcity4Rushour
Dought that is there (alians if they excists) plan. After all mixing our dna with theres may be simple enough but rember you get the good with the bad . They would never be able to seperate out our violance tendencys thus incoraprating the violance into there dna and pushing there race back a few million years . Of corse that may explane there (occording to post here) sudden instrest in taking over earth (Dirt) .Why anyone would want to take over a planet named Dirt is behond me though .lol

I don't believe they are doing to their species as a whole maybe I should have clarified that. I believe that the special group of contactees would be the ones to look more human, this may be no more than 100 of them.

This would be a first step just to make us more comfortable and to let us know hey we really are here.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 09:11 AM
Hardly a new theory. I'd suggest doing an ATS search on "Hybrid" to see more threads about this idea...with one of the overriding ideas being that these "hybrids" will be "activated" when the aliens invade, etc. Not so sure I buy the hybrid theory at all, or at least, that such hybrids are being introduced into the population. I would think that such beings would be fairly recognizable. Even a molatto (sp?) child's heritage is quite evident, and we're talking the same species here...

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