posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 01:16 PM
And so the lying season begins, every four years the deceivers come out of the wood work and spread their nylon wings and start the annoying mating
calls for followers, strutting around making promises they wont or cant keep all to secure a new tribe to disappoint for the following four years
feeding off of the followers stupidity like misery vampires, secure in the knowledge that they will receive the same support when it is time to feed
But, "dont waste your vote, or you cant complain" they say through highly polished teeth behind the cheesiest of grins, desperate for the
adoration they failed to find from their peers as a child. Why should i vote for people that i dispise, having learnt over the years to ignore and
discount every word that is uttered from the mouths of these deceitful morons, "shall we cut off your leg or your arm ?", neither thank you !
In a system that leaves the majority unhappy with the inevitable outcome why should i vote?, should i vote for someone that i dont like, to stop
someone i dont like, i fail to understand why the public continue to give credibility to the farce that they call General election,
I dont know what the alternative is or could be, but I for one am tired of democraticaly electing a dictator that i didnt want in the first place,
would be intersting to hear from some of the folks on here to see if anybody has an new ideas, I HATE ELECTION TIME