Hi guys. Something really weird happened to me 2 days ago, on 4/24/2015, and I immediately put together a quick blog --
-- to ask around Blogger users and geeks in general if what happened is technically possible, or if anybody had some similar experience. The blog also
contains a pic to prove that my equipment and software are not the culprit in what happened.
Briefly here is the story (in the blog it’s an even shorter version): More than 2 years ago I had the idea of Transcendental DNA which, one year
later, I updated with a better name: FiT-DNA, which stands for Fine Tuned DNA (
www.fit-dna.com...). It’s a theory that I assume will create a
Supreme Entity (SuEn) before largely popularized Kurzweil’s Singularity.
(Here is the text in my blog): I checked my statcounter on 4/24/2015 and noticed I have a hit from London on my blog
www.fit-dna.com... in which
I make a point that the FiT-DNA theory will find the Singularity (or create god, take your pick) before Kurzweil. Then I went to my blog to see if
there is any comment and it was BUT without a name or date and time stamp (can that be possible on Blogger?). The comment was cryptic (I quote from
memory and you’ll soon see why): ‘With a bit of luck you’ll soon be in my world.’ I wanted to answer him/her something along the line, “And
your world is in London?” BUT I only had time to type *And*when the answer came inside MINE Reply field (!!): ‘No, my world in not in London.’
My jaw hit the laptop table: how did he/she know what I was going to ask or even that I was replying?!
After a few seconds I came to my senses and clicked the Print Screen button on my keyboard, then I opened the Paint program then Edit and then Paste:
nothing showed up! So I went back to my blog Print Screen again and the whole process: Nothing in Paint! And when I went back again to my blog the
whole conversation had vanished: it was nothing there. Just unbelievable!
Then just to make sure that’s nothing wrong with my equipment I opened statcounter for FiT-DNA and … Print Screen – open Paint – Edit –
Paste and ta-daaa: everything was there. I even circled the top hit (the one from London) and everything was fine, so my Paint is OK. What happened on
my blog Comment section?
But shortly after I posted my question on Blogger’s Forum I realized that the strangest thing in this whole story wasn’t technical, but the fact
that some entity did read my mind and answered my question BEFORE I had the time to type it. Which makes me think that, maybe, some team of scientists
(most likely brilliant and heavily financed), are already post-Singularity and observe us -- and sometimes interact with us (just for fun?) -- like we
watch an Animal Planet episode.
So this is it: The strangest thing that ever happened in my life.