posted on Sep, 17 2015 @ 05:59 PM
Round three for this dream has happened. This time with surround sound.
Pretty much the same scene as described earlier but this time it takes place to a chorus of blood curdling screams punctuated by gunfire. Agony of
unimaginable scale being vocalized. Men, women, children, all together in a gut wrenching wall of sound that hit me like it had physical force. I cant
get the sound of the cries out of my head. It was so real and so powerful. The uniforms were black or dark gray. I still did not see any insignia of
any kind. Massive vehicles surrounded the area but were not like any I am familiar with. I see the uniforms, but I do not see faces. Its like blank
space there. It just makes it more frightening.
I don't know what this is or why it is happening. But each time it gets more real and the sense of urgency increases. I feel like I should be jumping
into action but I have no idea where or what I should be doing. Only that I need to be doing something... Its almost painful not knowing what I can
do, if anything, to prevent this.