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How Obamacare robs the children of single parents.

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posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 11:08 AM
It's pretty simple actually, while the federal government forces the American people to make interest free loans to the government by stealing it directly from your paycheck, they have been devising a plan to not have to pay the loan back at all, making it just straight theft.

Most of the men paying child support depend on their tax refunds to cover child support payment shortfalls that happen throughout the year, now my child support is ridiculous, the reason? The state gets a cut, plus charges interest on late payments so it is in the interest of the state to make child support payments just slightly too much for the obligor to pay.

Great scam, right?

Now the federal government has found a way to cash in on human suffering as well (they're all lawyers, it's what they do).

Obamacare tax takes money directly from tax refunds for absolutely nothing. That's money that should be feeding and clothing the children of this country - not lining the coffers of the corrupt, bloated nightmare the US Government has become.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: abe froman

F&S...Wish I could give you more.
First rate commentary.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 11:18 AM
The simple solution is to set your dependents just high enough that you pay no extra into the IRS or have to pay a small amount in at tax time. I agree that the whole thing is a joke, but this is the most painless work around that I have seen.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: abe froman

I get the impression that the American public may be at the point where repealing the 16th amendment is finally on the table. This is one of the many rock solid reasons.

There should not be a national income tax, period.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: abe froman

How dare you question our over bloated government, Uncle Sam is only looking for the wellbeing of the citizens of this country, how can you expect the over bloated government to function without stealing from the hard working citizens, remember the Federal government is the biggest welfare recipient, all it does is collect the money of those that works, to pay itself.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 01:44 PM
Pay your taxes, pay your child support, contribute to society and don't be so selfish....

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 02:06 PM
Been lurking for awhile. Never I thought I'd say that.

Talk about amendments all you want, talk about rebellion all day and talk about "Change" until you are blue in the face. You are wasting your time.

The American people will NEVER come together as one to challenge the status quo because they can't agree nor even comprehend what it actually means. They have no idea how to do it and have absolutely no interest in making waves because most either don't care or they are so entrenched in their own little squalid, selfish huts of mine, mine, mine.

But mostly, they are just too damn lazy, apathetic and terrified of losing their little garden space of perceived heaven.

Give it up, stand for yourself and make your own preparations. Don't count on the masses to come to your cause because they just won't. They are too busy in their little World of ME-ME-ME! PC, racism, income equality etc. Issues that can never be fixed until the final solution which is a breakdown of everything from the ground level.

And for those that think this is just aimed at Americans...Wrong. This is directed towards the entire World.

I only address America because of the OP and the underlying absurdity of Americans actually believing that they are untouchable and above everything that is happening when the blame can be put squarely on the US and the military/financial/pharma/prison industrial complexes.

Until the majority of Americans come to understand and adopt just a small amount of humility, regret and conscience...or the globe puts America in its place by force, the World is screwed.

My 2 pennies.


edit on 25-4-2015 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2015 @ 08:20 AM

originally posted by: jude11
Been lurking for awhile. Never I thought I'd say that.

Talk about amendments all you want, talk about rebellion all day and talk about "Change" until you are blue in the face. You are wasting your time.

The American people will NEVER come together as one to challenge the status quo because they can't agree nor even comprehend what it actually means. They have no idea how to do it and have absolutely no interest in making waves because most either don't care or they are so entrenched in their own little squalid, selfish huts of mine, mine, mine.

But mostly, they are just too damn lazy, apathetic and terrified of losing their little garden space of perceived heaven.

Give it up, stand for yourself and make your own preparations. Don't count on the masses to come to your cause because they just won't. They are too busy in their little World of ME-ME-ME! PC, racism, income equality etc. Issues that can never be fixed until the final solution which is a breakdown of everything from the ground level.

And for those that think this is just aimed at Americans...Wrong. This is directed towards the entire World.

I only address America because of the OP and the underlying absurdity of Americans actually believing that they are untouchable and above everything that is happening when the blame can be put squarely on the US and the military/financial/pharma/prison industrial complexes.

Until the majority of Americans come to understand and adopt just a small amount of humility, regret and conscience...or the globe puts America in its place by force, the World is screwed.

My 2 pennies.


How about we make a change with the people we entrust to run this thing. Get some fiscal common sense before we go all apocalyptic. Let's not skip ahead. If we had the ability to bring it ALL down we'd only need to bring down the parts that hinder us. No need for a total reset here, that's taking it too far.

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