posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 06:14 PM
So, Hi! It's been a while ATS, more than 5 years in fact. I've lurked and read, and am back again. Can't remember my credentials from so long ago,
so here's my new profile.
I'm excited about graphene and nanotech in general. My philosophy is best summed up in the Tao Te Ching.
I think a bunch of us are originally from somewhere else, and that we're new, here. This happened a few years ago. 2012 related, age of Aquarius, I
don't know. I do know that "here", is quite different in a lot of ways. Certainly interesting. And has different potential than "there".
In short, "I'm really excited to be here!". I like it. Looking to link with the others.
My job has me writing tons of copy, so my style has changed a bit, not as flourishy or descriptive as the past, so sorry if I don't elaborate much.
In general, I'm speaking with a group of open minded individuals that mostly grasp the ideas I speak about, so if ever anyone needs clarification or
elaboration just let me know.