posted on Apr, 19 2015 @ 03:57 PM
What would you like to add?
without pain, there can be no gain;
without obstacles, there can be no lessons;
without joy, there can be no sadness;
without darkness, there can be no light;
without hate, there can be no love;
without excuses, there can be no reasons;
without fun, there can be no boredom;
without hunger, there can be no satisfaction;
without ignorance, there can be no smarts;
without freedom, there can be no slavery;
without free will, there can be no choices;
without color, there can be no black and white;
without heart, there can be no perseverance;
without brains, there can be no thoughts;
without touch, there can be no feel;
without taste, there can be no sweet or sour;
without tongues, there can be no taste;
without ears, there can be no sound;
without conspiracy, there can be no truth;
without truth, there can be no lies;
without greed, there can be no wanting more;
without eggs, there can be no chickens;
without chickens, there can be no eggs;
without evolution, there can be no creation;
without mean, there can be no nice;
without time, there can be no young or old;
without insult, there can be no polite;
without negative, there can be no positive;
without neutral, there can be no positive or negative;
without imbalance, there can be no balance to achieve;
without sleep, there can be no awake;
without wet, there can be no dry;
without here, there would be no there;
without caring, there would be no sharing;