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The great Hoax!

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posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 02:39 AM
OK. So they say the Moon landings were a huge hoax! What with peculiar shadow affects, no stars being visible in any of the photos taken from the Moon, the same backgrounds from all 'way points', no tyre marks of the moon buggy etc etc. But what about the alleged radio conversation between the astronauts and Mission Control indicating presence of UFOs on the Moon?? Like an Astronaut almost yelling in surprise, " My God! These babes are huge! They're watching us across the rim!" There are a number of references to UFOs on the Moon, conversations regarding which were also picked up by ham operators (Before being censored/blocked out by Mission Control).
So if the landings were a hoax, why and how do the UFOs fit in? Why did NASA tutor the Astrounauts to say what they said. What was the necessity of bringing in UFOs in this 'hoax'??

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 02:58 AM
It must've been sweeps week.

But seriously, do YOU think the moon landing was faked - you don't say in your post. And have you ever heard these conversations you speak of?

To answer your question, I don't think the moon landings were faked, nor do I think there are aliens on the moon. So yeah..

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 06:12 AM
I remember a few years ago i heard on a website those same kind of tapes that were meant to be done on the moon when they saw UFOs, with one or two stills, but then it could just be some guys talking, dont have to be on the moon.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by quango
It must've been sweeps week.

But seriously, do YOU think the moon landing was faked - you don't say in your post. And have you ever heard these conversations you speak of?

To answer your question, I don't think the moon landings were faked, nor do I think there are aliens on the moon. So yeah..

I've an open mind on this! Considering you require four feet of lead to protect you from the Van Allen radiation belts in space, I wonder if we ever went near the Moon. Anyway check out this site:

[edit on 21-12-2004 by mikesingh]

[edit on 21-12-2004 by mikesingh]

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 06:23 AM
i saw a program a few months back, did explain away pretty conclusively all the moon landing hoax theories..apparently Van Hallen himself thought this whole idea of fatal levels of radiation a load of rubbish.

also are we meant to be discussing the UFOs or the hoax theories? im kinda missin the point of this thread

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 06:43 AM
I watched the moon landings on live TV & no I don't think they were faked. I watched them with military pilots who trained with & came from the same backround as some of the astronauts. Now - I admit I was a child at the time, so yes it would have been easy to fake me, but I'm not so sure they could have faked the professionals I watched it with.

But, I can remember hours & hours of looking at mostly nothing happening on the TV, I can remember going off into another room to play & being called back to see something else that was supposed to happen, and then just waiting for each and every little thing to happen & listening to the dialogue between the astronauts & control & that of the commentators explaining what & when they believed things would happen - Tranquility Base, The Eagle Has Landed, the commentators - he's in the airlock, the door is opening, I especially remember watching the first step outside the hatch (probably because we waited for hours after they said it would happen any minute) , then the first step on the moon. I can still hear the words said by all involved & I could probably write them all without looking anything up.

Seems, like I went to sleep (not at home) , got up the next day & the same picture was on the TV. Those days all television broadcasts would cease by the end of the day, but for the moon landing they were on extended schedules. There were always delays - that I had a hard time dealing with, but the excitement of the pilots I was with I will never forget. One of those few memories of that period of my childhood that really stands out.

After the first step on the moon my life went back to normal instead of what seemed like days in front of the TV - it felt like the end of a Superbowl party that had lasted for days. Probably the first time I heard the word tranquility - it still has a special meaning for me - that which I cannot elaborate...

[edit on 21-12-2004 by outsider]

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 08:34 AM
Well, as this is the millionth or so post proclaiming the Apollo landings were faked (no doubt you saw that rather dubious Fox show...)...perhaps a trip to is in order? Or you could type in "moon landing hoax" in NASA's search function on their site, and you'll learn everything you ever wanted to know about this nonsense.

The landings weren't a hoax, and the alleged astronaut recordings about UFOs appear to be nothing more than rumor as I can remember it, as nobody has ever produced a recording of it, just rumors that that is what they heard then....

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 09:17 AM
I highly doubt Nasa would spend billions of dollars on a "Hoax" just to boost the country's moral. Really, other than that, what would we gain by faking something like that?

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 09:45 AM
Mikesingh says:

"Considering you require four feet of lead to protect you from the Van Allen radiation belts in space, I wonder if we ever went near the Moon."

Where did you get the information that you need "four feet of lead to protect you from the Van Allen radiation belts", anyway?

If you go to , you will see some detailed technical data concerning the van Allen belts, including time versus radiation data. You can also read Bailey's "Biomedical Results of Apollo" (in particular Chapter 3, "Radiation Protection and Instrumentation") for a good report of the studies. ( ).

I think your reading this will help you realize that the "four feet of lead" is just part of a silly hoax perpetrated by people who don't have a clue about science in general -- and physics and medicine in particular.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by mpeake
I highly doubt Nasa would spend billions of dollars on a "Hoax" just to boost the country's moral. Really, other than that, what would we gain by faking something like that?

Well, the US goes to war to boost morale, what's the difference from spending a few billions on a space project?

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by mpeake
I highly doubt Nasa would spend billions of dollars on a "Hoax" just to boost the country's moral. Really, other than that, what would we gain by faking something like that?

Well not that i believe the moon landing was a hoax, but just to try and answer your question the U.S. and U.S.S.R. at the time were in a "space race" of sorts to show who was the dominate technological super power of the world. I can see how some hoax believers may argue that they were under pressure to succeed.

About the astronaut voice recordings reporting UFO sightings, i've never heard any but have read many interviews with astronauts including Gordon Cooper and Neil Armstrong saying they did indeed witness UFO's during the Mercury and Apollo missions. Whether or not those interviews are a hoax is to be debated. I dont think so though.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 10:00 AM
Who's moral is boosted in this war? The mothers and fathers of the soldiers who are shipped out, and perhaps not returned? The tax payers who's forking up their money to fund the billions we are spending each day to cover the war?

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 11:16 AM
outsider, I thought you did a good job on what you have elaborated on. I did see the same footage of this this event. I new then that Man, only as a child, was above me in Space ... around this world that I live on, circuling around earth was a person like me... What was beyound that for us to explore... was in his eyes.... Was that John Glien (sp) ? No matter, We must realize beyound what has been told to us by other medias, look past the clouds, and see what we know, or, if those that don't, to realize, that one moment you spent with thoses Pilots, their words expressing this events to you, without them realizing it, convince you to belief otherwise.
I don't think your opinion is different then mine.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Well, as this is the millionth or so post proclaiming the Apollo landings were faked (no doubt you saw that rather dubious Fox show...)...perhaps a trip to is in order? Or you could type in "moon landing hoax" in NASA's search function on their site, and you'll learn everything you ever wanted to know about this nonsense.

Thought i'd make it easy for people:

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 02:13 PM
From the first link, rather intriguing photo!
doesent look photoshopped to me.

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by merka

Originally posted by mpeake
I highly doubt Nasa would spend billions of dollars on a "Hoax" just to boost the country's moral. Really, other than that, what would we gain by faking something like that?

Well, the US goes to war to boost morale, what's the difference from spending a few billions on a space project?

The difference is that the money spent on the Space Race was not spent on the Defense Department, which spreads the funds to the powerbrokers who steer public opinion. The NASA funds were spent on actual technology development which only had to be paid one time, not ten to one hundred times for possible technology development as with the D.O.D. It should be apparent to the public by now that the D.O.D. is just a huge money magnet and an obvious waste of funds that could be used to better the live of American Citizens instead of enriching the Defense Contractors and the pockets of certain Generals and Defense Secretaries [cough ... Rumsfeld .. cough].

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 05:06 PM
Everything you just said was a hoax can be explained. And if the moon landings were faked, they did alot of research. Just because you can see stars on the earth doesn't mean they will be saw on the moon

posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by HaloWN
Just because you can see stars on the earth doesn't mean they will be saw on the moon

The NASA article in the link i posted earlier explains this, quite easily in fact:

Pictures of astronauts sent from the Moon don't include stars in the dark lunar sky. How could that be? Did NASA's film makers forget to turn on the stars? Most people who take photos know the answer: it's hard to take a picture of something very bright and something else very dim on the same photo. Ever watch a TV program or movie with outdoor night scenes? Unless the movie producers fake stars in the sky, or use special cameras, you just don't see stars. The cameras are adjusted for the actors, and the stars in the background are too dim to see.

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