posted on Apr, 14 2015 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to:
I don't agree with you on almost anything you said.
Your Second paragraph with the exception of vaccinations mainly covers insurance regulations and employers personal choice not to mention a little bit
of paranoia thrown in on the end. Nope don't see the gubermit taking away much there. (and before you say so the Government and private corporations
aren't the same thing)
3rd paragraph....
Running a business; Hasn't changed much since the 70s except worker safety.
Road laws have never been stricter ; I assume you're talking about drunk driving and seatbelts, well you can blame that on the same people who are now
crying about our loss of rights........liberals. ( speaking of which another liberal made the national speed limit 55 when I was young)
War on drugs; Hated it never believed in it but now at least the systems working and we're moving towards fixing it.
Last paragraph ; I made no excuses I only stated facts. And I do not agree things are worse now than they were during McCarthyism. Christ back then
they would tap your phone without a court order, Open your mail without a court order and drag you off to jail for the very thing you are doing right
now. Hollywood careers were ruined for going to the wrong party or subscribing to the wrong magazine. The only reason you would be arguing these facts
is because you are uninformed of what actually happened back then.
edit on 14-4-2015 by Greathouse because: (no reason given)