posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 06:05 AM
This guy and his peanut butter can bugger off. Having my hair become ridiculously thin at age 16 was the best thing that's happened to my fashion
sense in a long time. Never would have occurred to me to cut off all of my hair and compensate on my face, but it's turned out rather nice.
I thought of it as my own thing for a while, but when my old youth pastor started begging his wife to let him do the same thing I'd done, I realized
that this needs to be mandatory- it's been approved by God's number 1 spokesman in my life.
So, you will all be shaving your heads and growing goatees effective immediately.
Ladies obviously are exempt from this new policy, however I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider NOT growing facial hair, and if it suits
you, maybe dye your hair red. There are far too few redheads running around these days.