posted on Dec, 21 2004 @ 06:40 AM
Don't get too hasty here.
Sure, our population is rapidly growing and whether we like it or not the planet is going to be completely filled sooner or later, but there is space
left for us to use.
There are countless areas that we could be using for either people or for food, for example deserts. Instead of flying to mars, why don't we fix
these type of areas for more corruption to take place?
It would seem that people like living near water, I can't blame them, water is nice. There are so many major cities on the coast and not nearly as
many inland. Whether the inland terrain is uninhabitable or not, it shouldn't be a problem when people are suggesting terraforming mars.
With restrictions comes less freedom. That is something that everyone should know and, well, be happy with already. Think about the laws that you
abide to and the taxes that you pay every year. What about certain border restrictions? The point is we are already bound to certain limitations that
keep us from being free.
I don't know if any of you have read 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell but I will use it as an example none the less. In this narrative, animals from
'Manor Farm' begin to see how wrongly they are being treated by farmer Jones. So they plan a revolution and take over the farm. At first they are
doing great, but soon corruption and greed begin to take over and the farm slowly begins to deteriorate as they are not able to keep the farm up on
their own and had to resort to other outside human resources to keep the farm running. In the end the ones that had once been fellow comrades are
revealed to be cheating and manipulating them for power and money and become worse than Jones is. The whole time they are living a lie, a dream of
freedom that is never realized.
The point is that true freedom can never happen. With the planet corrupted the way it is anyway. There will always be someone who wants to be above
the rest and will rape the benefits from others by any means necessary. Eventually one of them will succeed in taking over once more and we will be
back with the same restrictions as before.
As for more restrictions, I say bring them on. I see the increasing population much like global warming in that it's a problem that addressed but not
attended to. Your freedom has been spared at the expense of the planet so why not give back a little. Share some of your freedom to make the planet a
better place.
Have a good holiday...