posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to:
not that I don’t like well-researched repetitions of scientific facts, but I like your post and give you my support in being original. I like people
talking about their own experiences and conclusions. I take that seriously, I appreciate that. thanks for sharing yourself.
now that the moon last night did not reveal itself to me I’m also thinking it might only effect you the way you describe it.
I’m looking forward to read more of your predictions to glorify the heavens. I wish you also happy Easter, and most of all I wish you that your
heart may be healed and wholesome when you manifest that spell of doom you expect.
there is always a way to change circumstances
I shall go and search for chocolate bunnies now and I’m sure I will find some !
edit on 4-4-2015 by Sanssouci because: forgot an I