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A Virus That Makes You Stupid Has Infected Up to 1/2 of Humanity

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posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: nOraKat

There's a herb on every disease.
I've also read about a Rife frequency generator working on brain parasites. When it gives you a day of a terrible migraine you know you had it. And what about a fever? Rising body temperature with some kind of yoga would be a good shot.
edit on 3/4/2015 by PapagiorgioCZ because: grammar

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: Shakawkaw

The more you learn the more you need to learn to properly apply the knowledge.

Some of the best knowledge I received was from some of what society considers the dumbest people. Remember, you can also learn from people who do things wrong. You watch them make the mistake and learn not to make that mistake.

The smartest man I ever meet couldn't read.
We call such a person illiterate, and he was,
but don't think for second he was ignorant.

I was in a cult at the time, and I bragged to
him that I had a lot of friends (we called
each other brother and sister). I will never
forget the look on his face as he said:

"You don't need a lot of friends."

Then he waited for me to think about that
before he made his next statement:

"You only need a few good ones."

I knew instantly that he was right.
That little pause gave me time to
think and as I spoke--in that moment,
in the instant, I know he spoke truth.

I knew it was truth because he spoke
the very words that I was thinking.

It was a turning point in my life.

At that instant I knew I was in a cult
and what called "friends" were really
just cult members like me. We might
have called each other "family" but
in truth we were not friends.

This man was my friend.

This man was my friend because he
told me the truth. The cult didn't
tell me the truth, they only gave
me "family" and lies from the Bible.
What I needed was truth.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: wasaka

We spend a lot of our life trying to please people we do not need to please. Life can be so easy if we realize that.

He is right, all we need is a few good friends. We also need something to do because energy likes to be busy. Something to do does not have to cost money either. I can get exercise splitting firewood and I save money instead of paying to belong to a health club. I can get exercise walking down the side of a stream fishing and catch my supper.

It is nice to have acquaintances that you meet occasionally when you go to the store or a park, they don't need to be good friends though. You say hi and chat for a few minutes then both go your way. If you don't talk much it is hard to disagree about anything because the conversations are just chit chat.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 08:43 PM
Who are they kidding, it has infected far more than half of humanity or maybe just because I live in Chitcago I just surrounded by a large concentration of them.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:29 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: wasaka

We spend a lot of our life trying to please people we do not need to please. Life can be so easy if we realize that.

He is right, all we need is a few good friends. We also need something to do because energy likes to be busy. Something to do does not have to cost money either. I can get exercise splitting firewood and I save money instead of paying to belong to a health club. I can get exercise walking down the side of a stream fishing and catch my supper.

It is nice to have acquaintances that you meet occasionally when you go to the store or a park, they don't need to be good friends though. You say hi and chat for a few minutes then both go your way. If you don't talk much it is hard to disagree about anything because the conversations are just chit chat.

Yes, I find that I can be "friends" with everyone I meet,
but I have learned to keep that "friendship" interaction
short and sweet. That rule applies to people you called
"chit chat" acquaintances, not real friends. Still, I am
friendly toward this "chit chat" acquaintances, and
I always keep the door open for real friendship to
develop, but I remain unattached to the outcome.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 09:42 PM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
Who are they kidding, it has infected far more than half of humanity or maybe just because I live in Chitcago I just surrounded by a large concentration of them.

People move around a lot. I have leaved in coastal regions
myself many times over the past 47 years. I have no doubt
that my cognitive abilities have been reduced 10% (or more)
by one for of degradation or another.

Think about it. We all have been.
It may be a difficult pill to swallow,
but when we are honest with ourselves
we have all lost cognitive abilities.

Our emotion state is also compromised,
as is our immune system, reproductive
system, and so one and so forth...

The important thing to remember is Source.
We are all connected to source, and that will
always be true. We can commune with Source
and regardless of how much corruption fills our
minds. That corruption might be self-imposed
due to pornography or just eating GEO foods.
That corruption might be environmental toxins
or fluoride (toxic waste) in our drinking water,
but our Source is greater.

Source is never far from any of us, indeed the
power of Source in written into our DNA. We
are as connected to Source as a child is to
his or her parents. That Source can heal
us and make us whole.

edit on 3-4-2015 by wasaka because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: KnightLight

originally posted by: wasaka

It would explain, for example, why so many people who
vote democrat live on the coastal regions.

Just kidding. Sorta =(

Where I am from the entire coast is the most country part of the State, and Completely Red.. But I don't like democrats either.. I don't like anyone who thinks they are in a gang.. Belonging to groups is basically a way of not thinking...

I wonder when this virus first started infecting us? I have noticed over the last say 7 years.. That people's ability to write and speak has gone down.. Even in myself I have noticed it. There Their They're Your You're.. I don't think it's a cultural slide, it seemed to have happened too quickly..

Have you ever read A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley?
If you are smarter than your assigned job it leads to unhappines, stress, and boredom.. This leads to not following rules, becoming a savage..

So they controlled the intelligence of the people and had different teirs of intelligence they would create you as, for specific jobs in society..

Have you noticed smart people are unhappy in the world now.. They can see too well that Rome could be on the Fall..
The more common people are more happy to believe lies, and don't dig into government atrocities and all the rest..

Who knows, maybe someone created a Virus to help humanity cope?

Definitely a good conspiracy thread idea if anyone found any leads. Or it could be the world defending itself, hahaha.. Some sort of natural thing that happens, like having a fever to kill germs. I like thinking of crazy ideas like this.

The Republican also suffer from the group think we-a-gang mentality,
I'm sure you would agree.

A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley?

Yes, their (or there) are planners of the Great Society of our future
(AKA, the NWO) who do conspire to dumb down the populace, that
is true, but so what?

Yes, there are "powers in high places" as the Paul once said,
but the INTRIGUES of "conspiracy theorist" to expose these
"powers in high places" is misguided--IMHO.

People on ATS, myself included, focus too much on who is
behind this so-called "conspiracy" and not enough time on
what we as individuals ought to do about it.

We fall into the trap of saying "They SHOULD do this or that"
and forget to ask "What ought I to do?"

My answer to that question is: BE THE LIGHT.
That means having a relationship with Source.

Smoking weed is one way to rise above the degradation
of our mental state, because it creates new path ways
in the brain. It help those who are stuck to get unstuck.
No, not for everyone, but for some.

There are other ways... other methods to reach an
altered state of consciousness, but the point ought
not to be the altered state alone. We must have
purpose--TO BE THE LIGHT--is my purpose.

For me, the goal is to return to Source and unlearn
as much of the upside-down worlds programming
as I enjoy my sojourn.

How about you?

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 10:23 PM

originally posted by: CantStandIt
a reply to: gottaknow

Just because we recognize it as a separate organism these days doesn't mean we haven't been its host for centuries, I am thinking. Then there is the philosophical angle... assuming I started with an average cognitive ability (and some would question whether I did!), would it be a curse or a blessing if I lost 10% of that, but in doing so, recognized cultivated and relied more heavily on other aspects of me? Like... empathy? Artistic expression? Musical aptitude?

I see the blessing. Thank you for pointing that out. Bravo!

The curse is being too obtuse to see that blessing.
Sadly, that describes all too many people.

Artistic expression is what my father called sissy.
He called it: "Artesy fartsy sh!t"

I got the last laugh and married a sissy who is
a recording artist =)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 10:36 PM
Wait, Dumbassitis is real? Damn. We can't blame the cognitive decline on the idiot box & crap parents solely anymore, I guess.

And yes, this would certainly explain Florida. They're a special kind of stupid down there, but it didn't used to be so bad back in the day.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: gottaknow
This, along with Toxiplasma Gondii , should be major concerns for our populations.

I've been reading snippets like this for over 5 years now, but - good luck finding treatment or a cure.

Ok, so we have these horrible brain-affecting diseases. Why aren't we going hardcore for cures for them? It's seriously disturbing for me(who has a terrible directional sense and poor memory) that this is taken so lightly.

Money. It is that simple.

A single new drug or treatment costs billions to bring to market.

There are likely tens of thousands of diseases nobody is looking for a cure for as it impacts too few people and who pays for it?

The governments of the world could tax everyone 100% and many diseases would still not have enough funding to even begin to search for a cure.

Some might say, well then people should work for free on it and give up their lives to cure the disease du jour, but never write a check or give a dime to a charity trying to fund research.

I'm jaded from having helped with many fundraisers over the years. People want, want, want but will not give, give, give. Diseases must be popular before funding is given and that's how it will always be I think.

If a movie star gets a disease, it stands a chance, even if it only impacts three people on the whole planet. The money goes to popular diseases.

If it can be proven that this is the reason so many celebrities have such horrible critical thinking capabilities and say and do so much idiotic stuff, maybe. But likely not since their public face is fabricated by a publicist who would never let people know this famous client can barely tie their own shoes.

Too much information?

Half of that was meant as a joke of sorts, so don't take me too serious. The part about money though I think is the truth. With half the world suing the other half, creating treatments will always be crazy expensive. Gotta line the pockets of the attorneys who have buddies in high office. They will never engage in tort reform to lower costs and save lives. It won't make the people who bought their office for them rich.

OK, I'm done. Other than to point out those who want need to ask themselves, how much have I given and how much am I demanding and do the scales balance.
edit on 4/3/2015 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: DexterRiley
a reply to: gottaknow

Ok, so we have these horrible brain-affecting diseases. Why aren't we going hardcore for cures for them? It's seriously disturbing for me(who has a terrible directional sense and poor memory) that this is taken so lightly.

Big Pharma almost never tries to cure a disease. Cures are never as lucrative as on-going treatment. Since it appears from some of the information in this thread that this loss of cognitive power is associated with mental illness, look at the continuing increase in the use of medications for depression and ADHD. If the Pharmaco-Industrial-Complex can compensate for the symptoms, why cure the disease? There's no profit in depleting your customer base.


Yes, keep FEAR and ATTACK alive.

That is the modus operandi of most human beings,
and certainly those who attain power. We might
call them Global Elite who rule the world with
money, but they are not what they claim to be.

The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776.

They claim to be "illumianti" but they are not "enlightened"
to anything but how to control (and extract wealth) from
the masses. The are not THE LIGHT. They do not know
the LIGHT, nor do they care too.

It is those at the bottom of the pyramid who seek LIGHT
This is default desire of every human being. Knowing this,
the so-called "Enlighted Ones" then seek to corrupt this
desire with FEAR and ATTACK and undue anything that
is good and wholesome.

Yes, we are under attack (and so we look to attack others)
and that is the whole game of sin: hurting others is a effort
to avoid being hurt ourselves. Bankers do this by robbing
their own customers when the chips are down, and we do
it when we precieve others attacking us in some small way.

This is the madness of the upside-down world.

Perhaps we can blame the algae, but I that isn't the only
virus of the mind that is attacking us. We are also under
biological and chemical attack, our reproductive system,
our immune system, our emotions and cognitive ablity
are all under attack.

Such is life.

Does it really matter who is behind the evil?
Is it not enough to see the evil, and then
acknowledge it is beyond our control?

I'm not saying we ought to be Pollyannaish.
I'm not advocating an illogically optimistic,
on the contrary, we must be realistic. What
I am saying is we ought to be reasonable
about our condition.

We are living is a Matrix, a world of illusion.
It is termed "Maya" in India. Siddhartha Gautama
called it suffering (dukkha). Yes, we suffer but
dukkha is more than that, it is life without a
way forward, is a life without dharma.

We must become students of wisdom, and
unlearn our false-authority programming.
For me, this means having a relationship
with Source.

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: wasaka

Sounds like the west respects the "greener weeds" in life.

Organics only please

posted on Apr, 3 2015 @ 11:47 PM
I quit watching an NCAA basketball tournament game last week because there were 18 minutes of commercials in the first 30 minutes of play.

Is the stupid virus infected the NCAA, the broadcast networks, the advertisers, or the viewing public? Maybe all of the above? At any rate, I refuse to be infected by the strain that's being inflicted on NCAA viewers!

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 01:20 AM
hol up hol up, wait a minute. If stupid is a disease now, can we get disability for it as long as we demonstrate we have this virus?? Im going to go infect myself with this now... wait, thinking that must mean I am already infected. damnit...

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: gottaknow

I was going to mention toxoplasmosis as well. There are various things affecting us and we don't even try to discover ways to get our own cognition back. Maybe one of these days...

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 06:02 AM

Here is what I do, it's simple and it has so many other benefits it's astounding, in fact it's so simple people should give them self a fast smack to the head for not knowing it.


okay i'm not going to be "that guy" and claim this is an instant cure for anything, i'm simply going to list the ways it improves these situations, helps the body help itself and suggest several manners in which under proper circumstances yes "cure" is likely happening.

1: It induces a fever, the fever is the bodies natural way of eliminating disease, many diseases have methods of hiding within the body so do parasites, while raising a body temperature by itself might not be a "cure" it definitely creates conditions in which some things, most in fact harmful things will not thrive.The method and success in daily use would vary, i'd wager actv-1 is probably toast in the throat inhaling at temperatures of 180 F, Toxo... eh cysts are hard to kill but if it's in your blood your giving it a beating for the time being, yeast, wouldn't last long and probably useful to control Lyme to a good degree...

I'll leave it at this, your a complex organism if your slightly uncomfortable at 95 and 101 is just too damn hot, small organisms head for the hills under similar circumstance, Fever is our natural way of getting rid of disease, if it tries NOT to induce a fever in your body ergo, the temperature isn't good for it. There is surely "some degree" of effectiveness to running a fever for a safe duration on most Bacteria, viruses and parasites

2: It raises HGH (Human Growth Hormone) levels and it's been clinically proven over and over again that HGH works wonders for the immune system, does that mean HGH will kill your toxo for example... maybe, maybe not, but your immune system is what defeats anything, pumping it up can for the most part only do you good

3: It releases HSPs *Heat shock proteins which scavenge free radicals HSPs can also repair misfolded, damaged proteins thereby ensuring proteins have their proper structure and function. This actually makes this useful even against Prion diseases which we are told are incurable

4: The Sauna activates brain-derived neurotrophic factor or BDNF, which activates brain stem cells to produce new neurons. BDNF also helps with norepinephrine, a hormone dealing with stress response that increases focus and attention, prolactin is boosted, which promotes myelin growth, helping your brain to function faster and repair nerve cell damage. "runner's high," endorphin release, is related to heat stress, it's been shown in studies to greatly increase endorphin release.

Okay, so you have these "invaders" affecting your brain... The sauna will protect your brain, release stem cells, improve mood, grow Myelin, improve Attention... Cure? maybe, maybe not, but in this arena alone you "counter" it

5: Improved circulation, getting blood to afflicted parts of your body simply can only improve the bodies ability to heal and reduce inflammation which we well know is the cause of most symptoms

6: SWEAT!!! most of us don't sweat, there are hundreds if not thousands of claims made about "detoxification" most of which are crap, the only real way I know to detoxify the body is good ol natural sweat, the Kidneys and Lymph system can only do so much, the Sauna relieves both and lets them work better, there is a great deal of evidence showing that many chemicals only leave the body via sweat, there is too much to even go into...

So here is the dealio

It's a fever inducer, a growth hormone producer, a protein repair mechanism, an immune system simulator, a Mitochondria booster, a stem cell inducer, a stress reliever, an attention booster, a neuron producer, a myelin growth stimulus, an endorphin booster, it improves circulation, and ... makes you sweat like son of a B

Will this cure actv-1, toxo, yeast, Lyme?

I believe the factors combined by themselves Can, that is my belief, I can only attest to my own experiences and they have repeatedly included everything from regression of hair graying, weight loss, elimination of getting sick, enhanced mental functioning, elimination of depression and muscle aches and more..

The largely proven factors I have listed are very, very powerful aids to them-self if nothing else, the brain boosting and repair factors alone i'm sure "best" any 10% loss, i'm sure at least it "regresses" a really long list of conditions up to and including parasites by just at the least making it much harder to reproduce while boosting the natural immune system in a variety of ways and eliminates symptoms by kicking the crap out of inflammation and getting the blood moving to place where it's not and little beasties find places to thrive.

edit on 4-4-2015 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2015 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: wasaka

Only half? I'd say it's more like 99%

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