posted on Mar, 29 2015 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to:
Again, this makes zero sense.
Nobody is saying Saudi Arabia is perfect. Who made that claim?
The point is, there's a reason much of the world supported Saddam Hussein in Iraq. It was to be a check for Iran. This is because nobody wants Iran
to gain power in the region. You keep making these nonsensical statements in a vacuum as if someone is claiming Saudi Arabia is perfect.
Nobody has made that claim, but dealing with Saudi Arabia is totally different than dealing with Iran where you have a religious leader who has total
control over the Government. The supreme leader controls the economy and the army in Iran.
Obama is saying, he hopes the President of Iran wants to change things but this is just nonsense. He is like a yes man to the supreme leader.
It would be like the Italian Govt. being ran by the Pope.
So you can't just stick your head in the sand and say lets give in to Iran's demands because we desperately want a deal that will accomplish
nothing. Any deal Iran is happy with is a bad deal. Their intentions are clear. To control the ME and be a religious superpower.
The Iranian dream of a reborn Persian Empire
Iran is piling one brick on the other. As I’ve warned on Fox News and Charles Krauthammer described — eloquently — in The Washington Post,
today’s Iranians, with their Persian heritage, are on the march as surely as were the armies of Xerxes 2,500 years ago. Desperate for a legacy, our
president obsesses about a deal (no matter how wretched) on Iran’s nuclear program, while ignoring Iran’s aggression across the Middle East. In
his recent State of the Union message, the president even defended Iran against Congress and further sanctions.
Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons matters. It’s a potential strategic disruptor of the first magnitude. But it’s only one aspect of Tehran’s
grand design. And a bad deal is worse than no deal. To date, Iran has given up nothing, while we’ve given its rulers time, sanctions relief and
almost $12 billion in “unfrozen” assets.
My point is, it's idiotic to deal with Iran in such a position of weakness when they're under the rule of a religious leader. Why do you think the 5
nations are meeting in Switzerland? Why do you think there's any concern about Iran getting nuclear weapons?