posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 01:50 AM
I'm gonna tell you a little story about my upstairs neighbors.
I live in a 3-flat- one apartment above, one below, I'm on the 2nd floor.
My friends and bandmates live on the 1st, I got them the place. I've been here 4 years, downstairs 3, upstairs one.
Upstairs is a "family," if you can call it that, which I can't. It's a single mom, 3 kids, and some a-hole she considers a mate and a father.
He's so brilliant that he leaves threatening letters taped to my door, assuming I called the cops on their domestic violence issues, which I didn't
because I honestly don't care, but he leaves his full name AND apartment # - just to be sure it'll will hold up in court lol, and to be sure I
don't confuse him with my friends downstairs. Yknow, pure genius. Full name, apt #, and threats. Yep.
Here's the level of intelligence I'm dealing with, if the aforementioned isn't clear enough. They leave their front and back doors open all winter,
then crank the space heaters to compensate and then blow fuses non stop.
The landlord and I witnessed this and just laughed because they actually think it's his fault, and call him to complain non-stop.
I suggest that if you have any problem with the outline for population control laid out by the Georgia Guidestones, you watch a movie called the
Darwin Awards. Then tell me how long you think my neighbors have left on this planet, and why you think they deserve a day more. If they have one more
kid (2 since thy moved in already,) I'm callin' the authorities, and none of them will be long for this world as they know it.
It's simply time to you-know-what or get off the pot.
"Ain't nobody got time for that," and "You mad bro?"
Cuz if you are, you're just not getting the point.
I see nothing wrong with thinning the herd of useless wastes of space and resources. I can only be thankful that most of them only consume crap like
gasolione and hot dogs, and inhale more Newports and SUV exhaust than air, so they don't really affect me on a physical level.
They can have that crap along with throat cancer from screaming all day, a throat chakra issue not even caused by the tobacco, but the'yll never know
that. That stomach/sacral issue from believing McDonalds breakfast is "healthy," then wondering why their stomach is in knots all morning - it's a
combination of cheap dead flesh and an uneasy feeling of not being a REAL honest human being with themselves, let alone anyone else.
The headaches form being more black or white than loving,and kind, and I dunna, maybe remembering the red people, and just shutting the f*** up about
it and being truly thankful, sharing, and co-existing, at least on "Thanksgiving."
If you can't even wake up to the 1920's, and keep railing about how government tech is 40 years ahead of you, then wtf do you expect from life?
The Darwin Awards. You are a winner, congrats.
Don't complain about the Guidestones. You are the weaker links, goodbye.
And you wanna know why that is?
Do you REALLY want to know how if "they" are spreading chemtrails to poison you, it somehow magically doesn't affect "THEM?!"
Never occurred to you, did it. No, no it didn't.
How bout this?
Newports + chemtrails = death.
McDonalds + chemtrails = death.
Cellphone radiation + chemtrails = death.
Alcohol + chemtrails = death.
Maybe not, but you know what? I just simply don't have to worry about it. Mad cow disease?
Lol, good luck with that, I don't eat blood, diseased or otherwise. Seriously, wtf.
All of those have enough risks on their own to tell any sane person to stay away.
Those who are not sane enough to get it, see above, and peace out.