posted on Mar, 22 2015 @ 06:24 PM
originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
The Anthrax thing has always been a little bit strange.
whoever sent them first to the media sent the anthrax with a letter that said something about death to America, Israel and Allah is grate with the
date 9/11 on the top. So I can understand why the government imminently started to suspect Al-Qa'ida or others in the Middle East. I think i am
right though in saying that they never actually prosecuted anyone for it and the leas suspect was a former weapons expert who killed himself before he
could be charged.
The whole thing is very strange and I do not think we will ever know the truth behind the attacks so the families of the 5 victims will never get the
closure they deserve. Despite saying that however I also do not believe the Anthrax was connected to any 9/11 conspiracy. Even if we assume that 9/11
was the grand false flag carrying out a biological attack like that as well just a week later is another level of complexity to a already very complex
plot that I think any of the shadows behind a hypothetical 9/11 false flag would just not risk.
The Anthrax was the ongoing threat that the 9/11 Attacks announced. The two worked in tandem, since weapons grade Anthrax (the kind in those 4
letters) isn't manufactured in small batches - they make pounds of it at a time, since it takes so long and requires such high mfg standards to
The 9/11 Attacks woke everyone up, and the Anthrax Attacks placed the threat (and the perpetrators' terms) on the doorstep of the DNC and the MSM.
"No 9/11 investigation and no heavy resistance to what we want when
we make a demand going forward."
Remember, the DNC was in the Senate majority at the time, and the MSM was just starting to look around at the 9/11 Attacks and beginning to see some
fishy details. The Anthrax Attacks shut down all opposition to the newly-minted Bush agenda (there hadn't been a Bush agenda until after the
attacks) and to the admin's decision to not look too deeply into the biggest mass murder ever committed on US soil (suddenly launching attacks on
anyone who did decide to oppose the admin's decision to clean up the evidence and "move on").
The Patriot Act sailed through the Congress and the march to war (an illegal invasion, by international law standards) was opposed by millions of
people (as the MSM refused to even cover the enormous demonstrations). Since then, no one prosecuted for ordering torture of prisoners (only a weak
"debate" concerning the semantics surrounding terminology), a complete raid on our Treasury in 2008 that the DNC controlled Congress was powerless
to prevent or even address, no prosecutions of high ranking banking officials (even after it was proven that they illegally rigged the entire system
to collapse) and the list of inexplicable legal insulations that the corporate/financial elite are being provided since these attacks occurred is
still growing as we warm up 2015.
The value of the Anthrax Attacks has become increasingly evident, and to whom this value was intended, even more so. By now, Occam's Razor leans
heavily in the direction that I've just outlined, as one would expect after 14 years of our entire government's bending over backwards (to a nearly
embarrassing degree) to please that tiny sliver of people who've made out so good from the start. And now we're on the brink of having to go back
into Iraq again, and at billions of dollars per week, to fight yet another Arab terror syndicate that literally makes no sense whatsoever - unless you
buy into the idea that Arabs are inherently insane and suicidal.
By now, the whole goddamn thing should be obvious, but for most Americans it's not. Whatever. It's not as if the truth about all of this matters
anymore or could change what's so firmly in place. I just wonder how long this poor nation will survive. I keep expecting it to collapse, but these
bastards are really good at preserving it as their cash cow for as long as possible.