posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 05:15 PM
haha interesting replies.
Do you have a dog or cat that could be tracking in the sand? I have a dog, not allowed in my room though, and i keep my door closed.
Do you live in a sandy area? Sand can get trapped in shirt collars or waistbands even when you think you've brushed yourself off. Not really.
Thousand Oaks, CA. Near a beach but not a great time to go right now, waters to cold.
Do you ever toss your shoes on the bed? No
Sure it's not cookie crumbs? Cookies are good, but i dont like to eat in my bed
Do you have a roommate? Sounds like a joke being pulled to me. No
your faveret soung wouldent be Sand man bring me a dream would it? No, and i knew when iposted there would be a few people who said something like
Live in florida do you? or near a beach? Nope, CA. Bout an hour from the beach.
Oh and one last thing.
All I can say is
"Sleep with one eye open, gripping your pillow tight"
Good Song, Great Band. But no, post wasnt "inspired."