posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to:
My girlfriend and I had a pretty in depth discussion about this the other day.
Back when the internet was just emerging into the everyday home I can still remember how electronics were still 'our' slaves, technologies that made
our lives easier, but at the same time we controlled them 100%, even the early internet was like this, nothing got passed us unless we typed in our
password, or we told the internet what we wanted to find, or the computer how to act.
I think it all started to change with video games really, consoles that all you needed to do was slide in a game, sit back and relax while the game
system did all the work for you, all you had to do was play the game, save it, and turn it off.
That was only, what, 13 - 15 years ago?
Now look at what we have, cell phones that do everything you want it to do and more, logging into a computer and all your passwords ready for you to
log in, emails sent directly to you. What control do we really have?