posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to:
Well, that is different! By saying that I had a dream similar 2 nights ago. I dreamt I was much younger than I am today. I was in an old sunken
building with several bearded older men. They had Kalashnikovs and tattered kahki battle dress. I was the newbie and wasn't given a weapon of any
sorts. I was told to go outside, sit behind a wall and wait for Isis who were coming. If I confronted them I was to fight by any means possible
using my hands and alert the others.
So, in this dream I sat outside in a dry sunlit area behind a rock wall. Looking I could see dust, hear vehicles and yelled out. Next I knew some
man was running through the dust toward me with a rifle of sorts. In this dream I was screaming in horror and.... subsequently woke up. In saying
all this I don't remember dreams often but sure as hell I remember this one.
Weird thing is that the language (in real life) was unfamiliar to me but I understood it in the dream like flamin English.
Anyways I guess, while not like your dream it may reflect my thinking towards Isis nowadays. Just thought it was coincidental after the OP and was
considering making a thread on it in this forum. Can reply now and saves me the need to open a new thread.
Kind regards,