a reply to:
game over man
The U.S government has sold out its own people for the Greys' technology:
Try to read all of the comments. Also, go to that message and read posts by a guy called Ross Anthony to see how I learned this. NOW I know why
they're trying so hard to hide their presence. I can understand the logic, but you know, I guess it's always easier to tell African Americans and
others to forgive and forget, until another "race" does it to you. And honestly, what does it matter if they think they can hide it, as long as the
world believes them to be true, then it's true.
What I quite don't understand is what the Illuminati could have possibly said or promised to Obama that he's willing to let his own race suffer.
Most of Africa(and the world) are living under minimum wage, and he's okay with that?
If it were me, I would ignore all threats or promises, knowing that I will be forgiven, or they will be crippled by the gods. And no, the Illuminati
will NOT be forgiven, I've asked this question to the universe over and over, and the answer is a "convincing no." In fact, I've asked a lot of
questions about punishments, and let's just say, the universe is a lot less forgiving than I realized(here's a hint, all "Group Memory Complexes
with net negative karma" will suffer. Sorry, in the universe's eyes, there's no such thing as I have nothing to do with my ancestors, while
enjoying all the robberies and immoralities that my ancestors did, and then if you bomb a country where their land is permanently destroyed, which
caused their descendants and their descendants' descendants to suffer permanently, you don't think you have to pay for that? That kind of logic is
just basically trying to justify immorality and "having it all," while not having to suffer. Let's not forget, the Native Americans don't even
want to live this way, so it means they and their descendants are also suffering permanently.)
Yes, the correct answer to atone for your crimes is pretty much to give the land back. However, there is another way, and that is Disclosure. They
feel that this is very fair, and have given the U.S government and their citizens every opportunity to turn back, by directly appearing to their
government, and very generously, with a lot of crafts on their land. You'd think that they would take every opportunities to atone for their crimes,
instead of compounding them.
But what are the punishments? The answer, to my surprise, is to suffer "the first level of Hell"(Hell, at least the first level, isn't that bad,
though it would take too much to explain. You get to eat, play cards with the devil, etc. after you get burned, and I think most people will get no
more than 2-3 years. Think of it as a minimum-security prison, except it's for wars, destroying planets, galaxies, etc. basically crimes on a very
large scale. And yes, there are different levels of Hell. In Dante's Inferno, it's 9. In Chinese Culture, it's 18. And yes, Hell exists, all
cultures mention them. In addition, people have seen plenty of evidence of UFOs, either directly or circumstantial, so the excuse, I don't believe in
God, Hell, or I was ignorant at the time when you have to face the Interplanetary Court Justice will not work any longer. That's pretty much the same
logic as I have nothing to do with my ancestors, while enjoying all the immoralities that my ancestors did. It's basically just believing or saying
whatever is most convenient and a way to justify immorality or wiggle your way out of suffering. You either suffer in this life or the next, that's
pretty much how it works).
Now here's the thing: the penalty would be much too long and harsh for the soldiers to suffer alone(anything in Hell for more than 3 years and then
it starts to become unbearable), that's why the punishments will be shared by all those who participated in their Group Memory Complex(nationality.)
They feel this is fair because if the soldiers were fighting so that their citizens can benefit or brag, then the citizens must also share in the
Again, all of this is pending disclosure NOT happening(and there is a time limit. If you read that message again, it's said that if this doesn't
happen, then "the Rupture"("mis-perceived", this shows that that person did not make up that message. He had no clue about "the Rapture." And
yes, that quote "Give me a hand-hold and I'll raise the Earth" is real, though it's actually "Give me a lever and I'll move the world" by
Archimedes. Also, I think someone said here that we only have 10 more years to "choose our path," though I'm not sure if it's related) WILL
happen. This is the "People's Salvation." This is different from the Second Coming a little bit in that if Disclosure happened, then you will not
be judged, so you can't say that they haven't given the U.S opportunities. I mean, if their citizens suffer later, then it's pretty much by
If Disclosure doesn't happen, then they will be judged, and the punishments will be applied retroactively, so the U.S government should think long
and hard, before they want to keep "taking one for the team," because we all know which Group Memory Complex has the most net negative karma, and
sorry, the mantra freedom&democracy will not be fooled by the gods any longer, because in their eyes, Disclosure is a greater cause than
Freedom&Democracy, because Disclosure will bring true freedom AND economic prosperity for all(let's face it, right now, only the West has any kind of
prosperity). In fact, all you(as in citizens of the world) have to do to get the gods on your side is to: 1) be civilized 2) desire Disclosure. You
can say that the U.S has literally lost their moral high ground.
What if the U.S citizens have done everything to force Disclosure, can they "disassociate" themselves from their Group Memory Complex that way?
After all, they can't really force their own government and really have no say in Disclosure, so how can they be punished? The answer is yes, but it
has to be a genuine effort. What happens then is that the U.S government will take the blunt of the punishments, and well, that's like hanging them
out to dry, but I suppose if the U.S government is committing the greatest sin of all, then there's no reason to side with them any longer.
However, if they make their best attempts to force Disclosure, in the manners that I suggested, then it will happen anyway. UFOs did not give you all
this technology so that you can just simply sit here and brag(in fact, inflicting psychological damage to an entire Group Memory Complex can be
considered a crime, though it's unclear what the punishments are. After all, bragging is what nationalism is all about, and by doing that, you are
associating yourself with your ancestors, hence Group Memory Complex, which directly contradicts the statement that I have nothing to do with my
ancestors. If you want to know, the UFOs view us as one race). Remember that with great power comes great responsibility.