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When the Trumpets Sounded; Fever Rising 17

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posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:51 PM
The next two chapters examine sky noise. The first takes a look at the strange sky noises of metallic sounds and trumpet sounds that were heard throughout 2011 in various parts of the world. Then, chapter 18 takes a look at the loud booms. This is the next thread in a my series of chapters from my book, Fever Rising. To take a look at the past threads in the series click these links. The first one on volcanoes has links to the first 10 threads at the beginning of it.

How methane gas is responsible for increasing volcanoes
Why an increase in Mass Animal Die-Offs
Why an increase in disease outbreaks, part 1
Why an increase in disease outbreaks, part 2
Why an increase in fireballs, part 1
Why an increase in fireballs, part 2

Chapter 17: When the Trumpets Sounded

The summer of 2011 is when the trumpets first began to sound, well, the first year that the worldwide phenomenon entered the public consciousness. Many first heard the phenomenon when an 11-minute You Tube video was released of a mysterious sky roar in Kiev, Ukraine that continued reverberating for the entire length of the video. It was made August 11, 2011. Upon first hearing the video you get a sense of foreboding. It was creepy to say the least.

In the following weeks, many videos began to surface claiming the mysterious sky noise in the background. Some of those videos were obvious fakes, but others weren’t so easy to dismiss. The sounds were of a mechanical nature, occasionally sounding like metal rubbing against metal. In the Kiev video and others that are believed to be real, regular background noises you’d expect to hear can be heard. The fake videos are simply the same Kiev sound dubbed over a video.

Over the course of months the sounds continued but their reports slowed considerably. Reports of the sky noises first began emerging in 2008 and I might add that once again, as with the other phenomenon discussed, that wasn’t long after the methane levels began rising again in 2007. The sounds slowly increased over the next couple of years but in 2011 is when the reports of the noise exploded. Many speculations were tossed about on what the true nature of the sounds could be, from earth tectonic movements, magnetic pole shifting, HAARP, secret underground construction to the end of days as the angels from heaven were sounding the trumpets.

First, let’s not confuse the mysterious sky noises with the loud sonic booms that have also been heard for the past few years. I dedicate the next chapter to this topic. Although these two strange phenomena began to surface to the public consciousness around the same time and have persisted together ever since, thus, they may be related, there is plenty of difference between the two sounds that they deserve their own review.

Granted, not all of the sounds people hear are of the unexplainable or supernatural nature. Many can be explained but are attributed to the psychological aspect of it, "Oh I just heard one of those booms everyone has been talking about!"

I, myself, played right into this a few weeks after the Clintonville episode when my wife and I were living in Wausau, Wis. Three consecutive nights we heard a loud rubbing and banging metallic sound echo through the city well after 1:00 am. The sound was also accompanied by a constant wind chime noise, so it was very eerie. I was convinced we were hearing these sky noises because many people reported metallic sounds. Finally, about a week later we heard it again, so we drove out looking for it. Sure enough, we found the source. It was a rail yard where they were banging the rail cars into each other locking them together. Our case was solved and I'm sure this is the likely scenario for many of these reports, a logical explanation.

I personally have yet to hear any of these sky noises, booms or shakes, but I do believe its happening and very frequently. Some can be written off as mistaken identity, but I give most people the benefit of the doubt whether they know if they are hearing thunder, an airplane or construction noise versus a mysterious boom!

There is a very extensive list of some sky noise reports that were reported to the website “Strange Sounds from the Sky.” Many of the reports also have You Tube videos. You can visit the website to view the videos for these reports and listen to the sounds.

Many theories have been pushed forward about these noises. I’ll go over a few of them here and then I’ll share with you my own beliefs on the nature of the sounds. One of the main theories that actually received some press attention was that the noises were a result of acoustic gravity waves. A Russian geophysicist by the name of Elchin Khalilov explained these sounds as being caused by high energy processes.

From Professor Elchin Khalilov
We have analyzed records of these sounds and found that most of their spectrum lies within the infrasound range, i.e. is not audible to humans. What people hear is only a small fraction of the actual power of these sounds. They are low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range between 20 and 100 Hz modulated by ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz. In geophysics, they are called acoustic-gravity waves; they are formed in the upper atmosphere, at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary in particular. There can be quite a lot of causes why those waves are generated: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, etc. However, the scale of the observed humming sound in terms of both the area covered and its power far exceeds those that can be generated by the above-mentioned phenomena.

In the large list of the sky noise reports at “Strange Sounds from the Sky,” several of them are reported prior to an earthquake, so some of this makes sense. However, you’ll note that the professor states at the end of this paragraph that the scale of the sounds that the world has been hearing lately has too much power to be generated by earthquakes or any of the other phenomenon listed. That makes it highly strange. The professor then went on to state that his belief is that the sun is the culprit behind the noise. He said that the sun was heading for its solar maximum and that it would generate enough power to cause these sounds. Khalilov said that the powerful solar winds cause the sound when interacting with the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary.

He made these claims in 2011, but since that time we know that the solar maximum ended up being a real dud. Scientists said that the solar maximum that was supposed to have peaked by now failed to ever show up. They said it was one of the weakest solar maximums.


posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:53 PM
In addition to a weak solar maximum, I raise the question about these sounds and why they haven’t been reported in the past every time we have a solar maximum (about every 11 years). Now, I realize that these sounds are nothing new to mankind, which I’ll also take a look at later in this chapter, but it does mark the first time that they have been reported on such a large scale. They were so infrequent prior to 2011 that most people never even heard of strange sky noises, including myself.

My conspiracy-theory mind shouts out at the reference to the ionosphere in the professor’s statement. Could it be that the only other source of that much power might come from HAARP? This facility uses its energy to heat up the ionosphere to study the effects. Could it be that HAARP is using the ionosphere to bounce signals to other parts of the world as so many conspiracy-theorists believe that it does? Maybe the area of the sky noises is where the HAARP signal is actually reflecting back to the surface. I might also mention that HAARP came on line in 2007, just one year before the first sky noise reports surfaced.

It may be that the professor is correct about acoustic gravity waves causing these sounds in the reports throughout history when solar maximums were at their high, but in this case, it may be something else entirely.

In the interview that the professor did in regards to this explanation, he said that the intensification of the gravity waves can be explained by higher solar activity and activation of geodynamical processes. “This is indicative of the increased risk of strong earthquakes and volcanic eruptions all over the globe in the near future.”

I find this quote very interesting because it was made in 2011 and fast forward to 2014 earthquakes and volcanic eruptions have most certainly increased.

The sounds are heard in different tones, pitches and frequencies. Some sounds are entirely different than others. Most of the strange sky noises that I’m referring to in this chapter are the ones described as “trumpets.” They are more metallic sounding and from what witnesses have said and from my own observations on You Tube videos, they send a chill to the bone. They are unnerving. Other sounds include the mysterious humming noises. There have been numerous reports of these as well, but the most famous one is the Taos, NM hum that has been going for years. The latest one that started up the same time as the sky noise reports is the Windsor Hum from Canada.

Canada to study “Mysterious Windsor Hum”
From, Jan. 22, 2013
By Marc Lallanilla
Some people have described the sound as a low, humming drone. Others say it changes into a heavy "whump, whump, whump" sound. Still others have compared it to the bass rumblings of soul singer Barry White.
But whatever the mysterious sound known as the "Windsor Hum" is compared to, the residents of this small city in Ontario, Canada (directly adjacent to Detroit) agree that it's driving them bonkers.
"There's a rumble that takes place, and it is enough to shake your king-sized bed and rattle your windows and vibrate other parts of the house," Windsor resident Gary Grosse told Ontario's National Post. "And that is enough to wake you up, and it's enough to drive you insane."

The article stated that the hum was first reported in 2011 and is finally being investigated by the government of Canada. Researchers from the University of Windsor and Western University in London were given a grant to analyze the noise and determine its cause.

The article goes on to say Hums have been reported in other parts of the world for years. The Taos Hum has bedeviled residents of the northern New Mexican town for decades. Bristol, England, Auckland, New Zealand and Bondi, Australia have all been plagued by unexplained booming, buzzing or droning noises, according to These hums have been blamed on seismic events, underground lava or industrial equipment.

And the Earth itself is known to make a hum, generated by a number of events including the rumbling of storm-driven ocean waves. Researchers now believe the Earth's hum can help them analyze the composition of our planet's interior.

Then there are the sounds that have been described coming from Yellowstone for ages. Some have declared the sounds as whirring, moaning, or that of bees. They’ve even been described as voices, but especially unnerving is the description of a harp sound, which is similar to that of the trumpets being described as of late. All witnesses reported that the sound was something they had never heard before. Other reports said the sound would generate across the sky. Yellowstone is a large super volcano and in recent years has experienced a number of earthquake swarms.

Upon further research one could find many other references to noises, hums, tones and most of those can be attributed to natural causes such as wind. One thing to note though is that many historical sounds weren’t described as mechanical in nature like many of the sounds of today, like the Kiev video.

There was one eyewitness account from a Professor Forbes in the 1800’s who described the harp-like sound he heard at Shoshone Lake (Yellowstone) as more of a mechanical resonance. His story was reported in Science Magazine
“It put me in mind of the vibrating clang of a harp lightly and rapidly touching high up above the tree tops, or the sound of many telegraph wires swinging regularly and rapidly in the wind, or, more rarely, of faintly heard voices answering each other overhead. It begins softly in the remote distance, draws rapidly near with louder and louder throbs of sound, and dies away in the opposite distance; or it may seem to wander irregularly about, the whole passage lasting from a few seconds to half a minute or more,” the professor stated in the article.

“On the following morning we heard the sound very plainly. It appeared to begin directly overhead and to pass off from across the sky, growing fainter and fainter towards the southwest. It appeared to be a rather indefinite, reverberating sound, characterized by a slight metallic resonance. It begins or is first perceived overhead, at least, nearly every one, in attempting to fix its location, turns his head to one side and glances upward. Each time that I heard the sound on Shoshone, it appeared to begin overhead, or as one of the men in the party expressed it “all over,” and to move off to the southwest.”

This description was in great detail and is identical to what many witnesses of today describe. It’s safe to assume that whatever sky noises are being reported worldwide today have the same source as the sky noises heard at Yellowstone over 100 years ago.

There are many interesting theories put forth about the origin of these strange sky noises. One such example was this idea sent to the strange sounds from the sky website.

“What you hear are sounds from massive dark matter particles entering earth's atmosphere and orbiting both above and below the earth. As they gain mass their orbit decays and they eventually end up at earth's center and the sound goes away. For more information about this theory go to the blog of Stewart Simonson, Dark Matters A Lot.”


posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 06:53 PM
Another suggestion is that the sounds are radio emissions from the earth. I, myself, don’t have much for an explanation of these noises. I can only offer up my own theory, which of course, has everything to do with the increasing amounts of methane and hydrogen sulfide gases in the atmosphere. I believe that these strange noises are coming from below us, just as the gas is. As these gases under ground seep to the surface, they are erupting in plumes into the atmosphere and the more that releases, the thicker the blanket of methane becomes. First, the sounds may have a lot to do with the acoustic gravity wave source as described by Professor Elchin Khalilov that is heard prior to an earthquake. Well, maybe these sounds are echoing throughout the atmosphere after releasing from more than just earthquakes, but general tectonic plate movement and earth crust subsidence, which we know is happening very often right now with sinkholes, volcanoes, earthquakes, land slips and cracks and not to mention the manmade causes, hydraulic fracturing.

As the sources for the sounds increased with all the earth crust movement, the methane gas in the atmosphere also increased. Maybe the increasing levels of the gas in the atmosphere, the blanket, is acting like an amplifier of sorts, allowing the sounds to increase in volume and area which allows us humans to hear them more often.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper

Quickly reading through this post, I thought many, if not all the videos of the sounds were debunked. I clearly remember one from eastern Europe/ Ukraine having a sound loop in it. You could hear the exact same sounds over and over. It was pure BS, not even a good fake.

That said, you do make a good theory for the holes that have been appearing. This definitely helps that theory, to some small degree...but only if the videos aren't fake.

...which I think they are.

mainly because the fad for these viral videos has died off. And the crap sound injections for most of them.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: Sparkymedic

Not all the videos were debunked. Check out the website I mentioned and they keep track and even mention the ones that were debunked. I know the Kiev video wasn't debunked either. Also, the strange sky noise reports haven't completely gone away, just slowed down a bit because the fever of it went away. But, the reports are still coming in.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper

Are there Cliff Notes for this book? If the end of the World is nigh, I may not have time to read the book.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: Rezlooper

Are there Cliff Notes for this book? If the end of the World is nigh, I may not have time to read the book.

You've got time. Your children, on the other hand...they may not.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: Rezlooper

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: Rezlooper

Are there Cliff Notes for this book? If the end of the World is nigh, I may not have time to read the book.

You've got time. Your children, on the other hand...they may not.
Ah I had a long day. Was just being facetious. I've read thru some of your threads. I can see you put a lot of work into them and the information is compelling if not scary. Here's hoping all your hard work is for nothing

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: Bilk22

originally posted by: Rezlooper

originally posted by: Bilk22
a reply to: Rezlooper

Are there Cliff Notes for this book? If the end of the World is nigh, I may not have time to read the book.

You've got time. Your children, on the other hand...they may not.
Ah I had a long day. Was just being facetious. I've read thru some of your threads. I can see you put a lot of work into them and the information is compelling if not scary. Here's hoping all your hard work is for nothing

I have to agree with you there. I have children, so yes, hopefully I'm wrong.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper

Very informative, Rez but also very worrisome. I too hope you're wrong.

posted on Mar, 13 2015 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper

I heard booms yesterday, from late morning to midday. Not extremely loud, but loud enough that I went outside to have a look. I just took it as blasting in some area.

Late afternoon there was rumbling and no storm clouds. Strange, but I suppose thunder can travel further than I expected. Luckily my wife heard the rumbling, too.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: KaelemJames
a reply to: Rezlooper

I heard booms yesterday, from late morning to midday. Not extremely loud, but loud enough that I went outside to have a look. I just took it as blasting in some area.

Late afternoon there was rumbling and no storm clouds. Strange, but I suppose thunder can travel further than I expected. Luckily my wife heard the rumbling, too.

Did you ever find out what the source was? A lot of times, when these booms are heard, people take to Facebook. I have yet to hear these noises but a town an hour to the west reported them and another one an hour to the north reports them coming off of Lake Superior and then, recently, an ATS member who lives an hour to the east of me said he has heard them. I'm sure i'll hear them soon enough with this uptick in these booms.

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