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Does anyone have any XP regarding 'paydirt'?

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posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 03:56 PM
Hi Guys.

I have randomly stumbled across some intriguing info and videos regarding 'paydirt'

I have never even considered this,but you can buy it online from reputable sellers,my question is,what can you expect to get in terms of gold weight per pound bag say? I know this is not a get rich quick scheme,but it may turn out to be a bit of fun,with a golden bonus! But more so my curiosity has got the better of me,any thoughts would be appreciated!

While I'm at it,I also saw some fascinating videos,detailing the process of extracting gold from phones,motherboards and hard drives using acid to remove it.It was a long winded process and requires investment,but again I was surprised with the results yielded,I have heard there is more gold in a tonne of phones,compared to ore? Whether this is true I cannot confirm? But certainly this paydirt sounds like a laugh.

Look forward to some more knowledgable heads opinions!


edit on 11-3-2015 by EndOfDays77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: EndOfDays77
Hi Guys.

I have randomly stumbled across some intriguing info and videos regarding 'paydirt'

I have never even considered this,but you can buy it online from reputable sellers,my question is,what can you expect to get in terms of gold weight per pound bag say? I know this is not a get rich quick scheme,but it may turn out to be a bit of fun,with a golden bonus! But more so my curiosity has got the better of me,any thoughts would be appreciated!

While I'm at it,I also saw some fascinating videos,detailing the process of extracting gold from phones,motherboards and hard drives using acid to remove it.It was a long winded process and requires investment,but again I was surprised with the results yielded,I have heard there is more gold in a tonne of phones,compared to ore? Whether this is true I cannot confirm? But certainly this paydirt sounds like a laugh.

Look forward to some more knowledgable heads opinions!


If it was actual paydirt, it would have to cost more than the gold content it contains, otherwise it would just be sluiced and they would keep the gold themselves.

Pay dirt is the layer of dirt right above the bedrock.

Gold is heavy, so it sinks through the ground until it hits the rock and settles there.

Hope this helps.

As for modern consumer electronics....they have gold platinum silver etc...many expensive rare earth elements are in them.

If you could recover them in a cost effective way I could see them being worth a lot of money.

Just like recycling catalytic converters on cars.

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: johnwick

Thanks for the input John! Certainly helpful!

Yeah you would assume the price would have to be reasonable (in their favour) for them to make a worthwhile profit.Many sellers seem quite upfront about the possibilities and the feedback reflects this. Some even add extra gold.I would like to think that you might have a nice surprise, but they sift it apparently to remove large useless rocks,which is good in the sense that it removes the worthless weight,but I'm sure if they found a decent nugget they would keep it?

posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: EndOfDays77

like any industrial process - there are " ecconomies of scale " - ie processing one tonne only costs 10 times more than processing 10 kg

so - why would anyone sell the " ore " peicemeal - when they could create an ecconomical processing set up and proccess everything they had in bulk batches

getting all the profit for themselves

edit to add :

IMHO - the real profit is selling small quantieies of the chemicals required and the equipment needed - to the chumps that attempt this " paydirt " mining
edit on 11-3-2015 by ignorant_ape because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 09:41 AM
I live in the California mother lode district. I have been a recreational miner for many many years. Dont waste your money on that "paydirt" Son. The only person getting paid for that dirt, are the people sending it. You might find some flour gold in it, but processing it is a whole other matter. That is why they are trying to sell it to you.

You see, everything heavy goes to the bottom, you end up with heavy "black sand". The black sand is where you find bits of gold. A person that pans for gold, will take out everything they can, then the black sand is put in a bucket with more black sand. In a very rich area there will be a percentage of flour gold in the black sand. But, again, the process is really not easy. Once you get several buckets of black sand, you can send it to a refinery.

If you are still interested in trying this, I found a few youtubes which show how to make a homemade high heat source to melt your metals. You can remove a lot of the iron in the black sand with a magnet, but a magnet will also pick up the flour gold particles with the iron.

Its a great hobby. But, your better off buying a metal detector and heading out to where crowds gather, park, beach etc, you will find more than you ever will buying paydirt. Really!
I bought a really really good metal detector, pulse induction Garret, but I prefer my much cheaper and lighter weight Cobra beach magnet, I cant dig as deep as the Garret goes, and the weight gives me a back ache. lol

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 11:19 AM
Thanks for the response Ignorant Ape!

The Impression I got, was that these Guys went along to obtain their own stash and then gather this Extra paydirt as a side earner,I think they vacuum it actually.

As you say why are they not doing this large scale? Maybe some do? But the e-bayers seem to be small scale.

It must obviously be worth it to them,as they wouldn't do it,but conversely there must be something worthwhile in it for the buyer,as they would have no customers surely?and terrible feedback?

I had a brief look on a gold enthusiasts/collectors forum and they do speak highly of certain outlets it seems..but this also seems to vary,as else why would some sellers feel the need to add extra gold.

So I was wondering what weight age of gold (grams or . Of a gram) a pound of the dirt Would yield?so I could compare the cost outgoings.

Great points you brought up thanks!

a reply to: ignorant_ape

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 11:49 AM
Hi Miskat1

Yeah I'm new to this field-as of yesterday lol,but picked up a few things that you have mentioned.

I watched a video and they loaded their paydirt into the pan (looked like typical soil) and then began 'shaking' with water,anyway this black sand that they and yourself mentioned,was at the bottom and did indeed contain the good stuff,so from this whole bag (a pound if memory serves?) they had a fraction of the original volume of contents in black sand and an even lesser amount of the gold,but a rewarding amount nonetheless it seemed,there's just something about it that stimulates a primal desire.

They mentioned as well,that it contained 4grades of gold,the flour,flakes,pickers and nuggets,as you say buyer beware! But this may turn out good for some?

I would be very interested in the videos if you please! I saw a Guy smelting His own gold on a video,but what attracted me initially to this idea (paydirt) was the lack of initial investment,whereas,if you were to obtain gold from phones,motherboards etc you would need the acids,chemicals,beakers,masks,smelting equipment and so on.So although most can collect the phones,boards either free or cheap,there is still a large outgoing to begin with,so it marrs that idea.

I absolutely love the metal detector idea,and will look into it,but I presume you can't cut corners and get a very cheap setup? Or can you? I'm slightly envious of you being in Cali,I bet it is the place to be and from what you say it sounds very intriguing-being able to pick it up on the beach..great idea! I have heard similar things about Hatton Garden in London where all the Jewish gold brokers are based,I heard somewhere that this was also a good location for easy floor pickings.

Where I live now is a land locked country (I do miss the beach ahh) anyways after a brief look online and anecdotes from the Mrs,there maybe some interesting streams I can check out and as you say it's a bit of fun!

Would you have any idea what an average bag of paydirt can yield in . Of a gram or gram per pound or ten pound? to keep it a round figure?

I appreciate your insight and you have only heightened my interest more so,so cheers..who knows,it may turn out worthy of making a gold thread about lol.We shall see..

a reply to: misskat1

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 12:27 PM
Here's a thread from tauristercus
Gold processing thread

He also did one for Silver.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: EndOfDays77

you might want to check out www.geocommunicator,gov It will take some digging, and I havent done it in awhile, so I cant remember how exactly, but you can use the mineral report and cross reference the long and lats and plot maps and find where old and new mines are located, and what tribritaries that are past producers. (at least here in Cali) You will also be able to see if there are any currently claimable sites. And for about a 100 per year you can claim 20 acres. You actually have to mine it when your out camping all summer tho.

Dont forget dirt can be salted or seeded, meaning to get you to buy more, they might just sweeten the pot with some random extra specks. You need to understand, you can sluce all day in a well known gold producing creek (look up Clear Creek French Gulch Ca,) Ive sluiced and panned all day on Clear Creek, Whiskey Lake,, Shasta Lake, Squaw Creek the real deal gold country, and found nothing. I obviously would stop if I never found any color, but Im telling you this is only pay dirt for the fella selling it.

I cant remember the youtube, Im sorry.

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: UKWO1Phot
Here's a thread from tauristercus
Gold processing thread

He also did one for Silver.

Great stuff I'll have a look, thanks very much!

posted on Mar, 12 2015 @ 12:51 PM
plenty of info and leads to chase up there nice one!

I certainly need to investigate my local area,I know there is quite a heavy mining industry around here (coal) so in my ignorance I'll jump the gun and say that it may be possible for finding other treasures.

Changing suject slightly,I know there was a prehistoric meteorite explosion (a huge one) in Czech in the South can't remember when,most likely millions of years,but the meteorite created tekkites and apparently they are fairly rare in general, but particularly this type,as it is green and found only here I believe? But what makes these tekkites more valuable than the traditional treasures we find, is that there is only a limited supply,as it cannot reproduce (like gold,diamonds etc etc) being a one time event.

Certainly sounds like you have put the groundwork in (couldn't resist that pun) from the XP you have shared,that was always the general impression I had of panning,that being, it was long winded and practically fruitless,but I have a good feeling about something,so I'll give it a shot and as for the smelting, that will always be a valued trade,so maybe I should brush up on that for a SHTF scenario.

No worries about the video you've been more than helpful!

a reply to: misskat1

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