posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Liquidus
Very interesting article SpookyVince, It looks like you have put into it a lot of effort, I will take time to read it.
I also posted
this a bit of time ago, and got not much interest, but as you seem
interested, I can only recommend you to read that one, and especially the link I provide (not something I wrote either, but I just translated it into
english). I think it is very good.
I'm working (when I have time) on another translation of a text written by a french military in the 1950's, Lt Jean Plantier. When I will have it
finished, I'll post. This one is also extremely interesting, and especially because of the year it was published. The article he wrote was published
in the official french armed forces magazine at the time!
Misunderstood your post, I thought you gave me credit for the articles... They're not from me obviously!...
[edit on 22-12-2004 by SpookyVince]