What a miserable species we are. If the day ever comes that we annihilate ourselves in a doomsday apocalypse of our own making, it will be a day to
rejoice for the rest of the planet. Most everything we touch turns to sh-t. I would imagine that any living entity in this universe having actual
intelligence would likely take a very dim view of us Earthly inhabitants. I doubt we’d be considered a welcome addition to the neighborhood.
We have just enough intelligence to be dangerous, but not enough to be wise and enlightened. We’re capable of rationalizing anything our minds can
cook up and then assimilating it into our own private version of reality, regardless of how ridiculous and outlandish it is. Like the fools we are, we
make up imaginary Gods and higher powers to justify our existence and to “tell us” what is right and what is wrong. Over time this crap becomes so
ingrained in our thinking that we’re willing to kill in it’s name. Without questioning we will exterminate anything that’s contrary to the
belief system we’ve conjured up in our own twisted imaginations. We are indeed a sick, misguided creature, and a true danger to all life on this
In the case of my diseased mind, if I could snap my fingers and instantly commit the genocidal extermination of the groups ISIS and Boko Haram, I
would likely do so. It would cause me considerable stress having to struggle with my own internal conflicts regarding what’s right and wrong, but
still I would do it. They stand for many of the things I believe are unforgivingly wrong, immoral and evil in this world, and so I would turn them
into a fine, red mist if it was in my power. Unlike their justification for committing mass murder, though, I wouldn’t do it while hiding behind
some false, murderous, vengeful God of my delusional imagination.
We in America are fortunate to view all this from a safe, comfortable distance. It’s just a blip on the evening news, an occasional passing thought,
and maybe a post on the ATS forum. But imagine what it would be like if ISIS suddenly took control of your community, going door to door raping,
terrorizing and slaughtering your neighbors on a so-called “holy mission”. It’s unthinkable.
I wish I had an answer. Nukes isn’t an answer. I hate the idea of non-muslim/non-Islamic boots on the ground. I’m really not sure that anyone
outside the Muslim/Islamic world should be fighting this. It seems to me that the more military force we apply, the more these groups emerge, and the
stronger they get. You didn’t hear about ISIS before America invaded and desimated Iraq’s infrastructure, leaving the door wide open for
radicalism to enter and thrive. Still, It strikes me that so many of the countries in the region are reluctant to enter the fray. Maybe they figure
the U.S. created the problem, and so now we own it. In any case, there’s plenty of blame to go around.
Oh well, like I said at the start, who in this galaxy would want us as neighbors? We’re not a very smart or friendly bunch...
edit on 3/8/2015 by netbound because: (no reason given)