Just as in the last thread about increasing earthquakes, volcanoes are also increasing. In this chapter of my series of threads publishing my book,
Fever Rising, this one examines the relationship between methane gas and volcanic activity. Here are the first threads in this series.
The Mystery of the Clintonville Booms
The Jumping Jack Flash Hypothesis
The Rise of Deadly Methane Gas
The Truth about Atmospheric Methane and it's role in Global Warming
Methane and Fracking, part 1
Methane and Fracking, part 2
What is Hydrogen Sulfide?
Hydrogen Sulfide's Role in Global Warming
Natural Forces at Work
A Journey Down the Rabbit Hole
How Methane Gas is Responsible for Increasing Earthquakes
Chapter 13: The Dangerous Gas Theory and Volcanoes
Several times I’ve asked the most important question of all…what started this whole process of methane release. The answer is most likely
volcanoes. In an earlier chapter about methane’s role in global warming, I showed you the Killer Greenhouse Effect, which says that volcano
eruptions will lead to the effect as they melt the methane hydrates, which, in turn, cause the average global temperatures to increase, thus, melts
more hydrates and you have an unstoppable chain reaction. This is what they theorize happened a couple of times millions of years ago, causing great
Toward the end of the last chapter I showed you Jonny’s MISA theory where he discussed how extra mass added to the oceans leads to more volcanic
activity the same as it does to earthquakes. If the volcanic activity was the launching mechanism for this catastrophic sequence of events, then the
next big question is…why did volcanic activity increase enough to initiate the methane release? I’ll say that I believe it may have been caused by
us humans. I believe that there are too many manmade causes of methane production, which we’ve already discussed, especially the fracking issue, and
as previously discussed, the methane began to rapidly increase in 2007, not long after hydraulic fracturing began.
Volcanoes are most likely playing a huge role in the current situation. We know of dozens of actively erupting volcanoes in the world today that are
above ground, but imagine the vast amounts of volcanoes erupting under the sea. The year 2013 was the most active volcano year setting records for the
amount of activity, but yet, these measures only account for those above ground. It could be safe to say then that volcanoes are causing the oceans to
heat up, which in turn causes the methane to release and allow bacteria to help spew hydrogen sulfide which then increases and eats up the hydroxyl
radicals that normally mitigate the amount of methane in our atmosphere. It’s a deadly sequence of events.
Jonny showed me an article from Spacedaily.com, December 24, 2012, that backs up his theories about the volcano relationship. The article is titled,
“When the ice melts, the earth spews fire.” Basically, the article states that it’s been long-known that volcanic activity can cause short-term
variations in climate, but, it’s now believed that the reverse also occurs: Climate affects volcanic activity.
In 1991, global temperatures dropped a half degree for the few years after an eruption of the Philippine volcano, Pinatubo. The volcano threw up tons
of ash that blocked out sunlight all around the planet. Its effects were felt in Europe. That was an example of volcanoes having powerful short-term
effects on climate.
From Spacedaily.com, Dec. 24, 2012
"There were periods when we found significantly more large eruptions than in others" says Kutterolf, the lead author of the Geology article.
After comparing these patterns with the climate history, there was an amazing match. The periods of high volcanic activity followed fast, global
temperature increases and associated rapid ice melting.
The researches also found similar evidence in the entire Pacific region that was found in the Central American area. What they determined was that in
times of global warming, the glaciers melt quickly on the continents and sea level rises. As the ice melts on the continents, weight decreases, while
the weight on the oceanic tectonic plates increases. “Thus, the stress changes within the earth to open more routes for ascending magma.”
Their report said the rate of global cooling at the end of warm phases is much slower, so there are less dramatic stress changes during these times.
“If you follow the natural climate cycles, we are currently at the end of a really warm phase,” one of the researchers said in the article.
In support of the MISA theory, Jonny pointed to the Campi Flegrei caldera in Italy and how the ground there continues to rise. Over the course of one
year, the ground near Pozzuoli rose 8 centimeters. It’s not that this phenomenon hasn’t been known in this region. This location has had
subsidence for thousands of years and can be explained by normal pressure, temperature and density variations of the giant caldera, but, in 2012,
scientists measured many micro earthquakes, a rise in temperature and an increase in magmatic gases. This is considered a “super volcano” and if
erupted would be catastrophic. The last eruption occurred there in 1538 after a period of 3000 years of quiet. Before that last eruption in 1538,
these same occurrences were recorded, such as ground lift, earthquakes, and changes in springs and fumaroles.
Here’s what Jonny had to say about the caldera and his theory;
By Jonny Mnemonic
Here's another indicator of MISA Theory being correct: Campi Flegrei caldera rising. Look on a map, see where that volcano is. It's right on the
coast, on an archipelago in Italy, which is itself a peninsula nation surrounded by water. As the land-based ice on Earth melts, all that water weight
is flowing to the oceans and seas and that weight is pushing down, squeezing and crunching faults and volcanoes right where the crust of the Earth is
thinnest. If you look at the last 3 years of volcanic eruptions, you'll see just how many are near coasts, or even underwater. There are 3 million
volcanoes on Earth. Let's say we've heard of 100 land-based volcanoes erupting. That means there simply has to be a ton of oceanic volcanoes
erupting now, and either we simply aren't aware of them, or we're not being told. MOST volcanoes are in the oceans. And as they erupt, that's hot
magma flowing upwards toward the surface, heating up the waters, which melts the methane hydrates, promotes anoxia and grows the hydrogen sulfide