Welcome and greetings to both yourself, timb3r, and asdude1804.
May both your stay's within the ATS community be fun and interactive.
We all look forward to your comments and other interactions.
Take some time to read the guidelines and rules of the forum and you should have no problems.There are tons of topics that you might be interested in,
dont be scared to speak your mind. With that said if you have any probs go to the board's questions and business topic and you should get some
assistance if not contact a mod or admin welcome and happy holidays
Lurkers usually makes the best members. I can excuse your l33t name, hehe, I know how tough it is sometime to find a name u can actually register
everywhere Even I use a "0" (zero) in my name, but ssssh ! Don't tell, everybody still writes mOrbid lol...
Welcome aboard, have fun and enjoy the (almost ad-less!) forums.