a reply to:
That would help to some degree yes.
But war is not just a human concept my friend. Infact, i feel sorry for humanity as this was bred into them.
Stuck in a rutt, Fighting a war against themselves.
We may be an instrument of war, But it is in our nature. We were designed this way. If only we were just a random species no one has found that
evolved all by itself with no outside conflict creating who we are it would be a rather plesant experience. You know, If we were such a species we
probably wouldn't develop much to be honest.
Our warring nature and the conciousness endowed to us by what would relivantly be a warring species also. Kinda explains many of our attributes.
It takes a pretty complex form of consiousness to develop War, Along with the tools and machines at that.
Many of us call it barbaric, Many of us don't want to associate with War. But it is pumping in our blood.
We just need to be wise in dispensing such Justice.
Yes i sometimes wonder what a hippy planet would look like, However this isn't one of them. Even if we banded together, War is written into our
Genetic code. We have a complex brain structure that feeds into it. Dopamine during violence, Addrenaline, And physical rewards.
Not all wars need to be fought with bloodshed. Infact many of the corperations are waging a war on the population for resources, For peoples thoughts
and minds. For their right to basic nessisties of survival.
To think this does not pan out to the Entire Universe would be guilbility at it's finest. I just feel bad for all the saps that get swept under the
rug by the big dogs crawling across space.
What if, By mere coincidence. The species that created us is one of those Big Dogs?
If they didn't want their presence known, they would just threaten the government should first contact be made. But in a more likely scenario, The
governments most likely feel threatened by E.T presence. and so are keeping it secret. With the select few E.T or corpses/ crashes they sweep up from
the ongoing battle in space.
UFOs just don't *Crash*. They crash when they get blasted out of the sky by equal or superior technology.
Humans do not have ( Equal) Technology and do not have the capabilities of shooting UFOs down.
There is no star wars program. Humans are literally vulnerable right now. With thousands of abductions happening world wide and no one can do anything
about it.
Would you want to disclose to the people that there is an alien war happening in space, Where an unknown protective species is blasting incomers out
of the sky. And disabling Planes, Helicopters that get to close to their patrol zones.
Would they want to disclose that the E.T are mass abducting people and all the Governments can do is send a jet that will take 30-60 minutes to arrive
after they are first detected?
Take into consideration. The average joe does not think about any of this. and just wanting the government to * Admit if aliens are real already, stop
hiding it if they are here* Type attitude won't change the circumstances Earth is in one bit.
I myself have seen an abduction. So i know 100% that these type of things are happening right now and humans are like ants on an ant hill unaware of
WW3 raging beyond its sandy borders.