posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 02:12 PM
I just rented the last Prince of Persa video game. I like it so far. They really improved on the fighting engine since "The Sands of Time". The
style and ambiance is totally different too. Not aimed at the same public at all. Our favorite "Prince" is way more dark then in previous release.
The game is also WAY MORE violent and gory, wich is a plus IMO.
They got this new fighting-engine that they call "Free form fighting" or something. Basicly lets u do anything (not really anything, but lots of
possibilities) with your ennemies.
So far, the only thing that deceived me a little, is the old "puzzle" part of the game. What I mean is, some level are still as tough and really
gets you wondering before u can actually get thru them. U still have to seek how to get thru a level (by jumping, running on walls, etc.. )
I would have liked if it was more fighting-oriented, and not as much "finding your way thru a lvl" but it still is very good.