It's so damn pretentious I hate myself for going there, yet I do. I go for certain items like vitamins and a few other things, usually about once a
I live in ATL and we only have a few. I won't say which one I go to but it's a haul from my house. I can see the demographics change as I drive closer
and closer to the store. On my healthful quest I pass lots of other vehicles, of course, and I go from mostly pick-ups and mini vans to mostly
Mercedes and other luxury cars or SUVs. I go from quiet pastures and burbs to the hustle-bustle of a more urbane existence.
When I get there it's an epic battle of Mom vs. MILF. Of average vs. exceptional. Of middle class vs. elite. Of hip vs. tragically uncool. Now, don't
get me wrong - I don't typically think of myself or anyone else in those shallow terms at all, this is just how I feel pigeon-holed by the experience.
Everyone just comes off as so entitled, self-absorbed and in such a damn hurry. I swear, I could cart-ram an over-coiffed grandma or a vacant hipster
with an epic beard - and not feel the least bit guilty.
I don't know what happens when people enter that store but it's like some GD religious experience or something and all common sense or basic courtesy
goes out the WindoW. People are barge-y, oblivious, impatient, entitled, rude - it's crazy! I need a helmet and a drink just to go shopping.
So, here is my latest coping mechanism...I troll them. So hard.
I've started dressing tacky and being kind of loud. I ask lots of questions, I'm too forward and just a tad inappropriate and - magically - the
throngs of snobs part like the Red Sea as people are horrified by my lack of style or decorum and they hurry off in the opposite direction, leaving
the aisles mostly empty for me to shop. And, if someone lingers, I just start coughing and hacking like I'm sick and that clears the rest out.
Don't hate me ATS, it works. I have no remorse, I left most of my money there in exchange for a little bit of good health and yet, at the check-out,
they still asked me to donate to help in the global fight against poverty. I just started coughing.
Of course some, all or none of this may be exaggerated for effect, but you get my point. I hate Whole Paycheck....but I still shop there.
edit on 2/28/2015 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)