a reply to:
I am not saying no one has researched obesity in the past 200 years. Ridiculous as you pointed out.
I am saying that the baseline definition for obesity, based on BMI
was defined 200 years ago and never challenged until the late 90's
at which point it was defined more stringently
automatically dramatically increased the number of overweight and obese
I'm not certain, but thinking back isn't that about the time the "epidemic" began?
Could the epidemic have been manufactured?
Yes the populace was gaining weight, but could it have been normal in a time
when more and more were well nourished.
Why define overweight down when more people were well nourished than ever before?
For what reason?
To increase control over the population?
It gave an excuse to micromanage the population.
It gave an excuse to enter "1984" of in home surveillance of the population.
All based on the shakiest of science.
What I am arguing is: it was the government who reset the BMI standard lower
then during a time of food insecurity and a time when the majority had extremely poor nutrition.
And to what end?
Could it have been to dramatically increase the "number" of overweight and to manufacture a crisis.
Our government is well known for manufacturing crises (or we would not have a need for ATS)
in order to increase control over the populace.
I am not saying my theory is correct
I am just thinking outside the box
in a logical way.
Of course, my premise is
based somewhat on conspiracy theory
(which is the basis of ATS and the great fun of coming to ATS) .
Don't feel compelled to respond. I've enjoyed our conversation and have discussed with you things at a level I normally reserved for Grad students.
Thanks for the repartee.
We may never agree, and that is fine.
Remember no great forward movements in life are ever made by just accepting what someone says as absolute truth
(especially if it is a popular government meme, the ATSer in me says)
and therefore
we can each hold opposing views
and the real truth somewhere in between.
edit on 8Wed, 25 Feb 2015 08:50:53 -0600am22502amk253 by grandmakdw because: addition