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US and Iraqi forces to recapture Mosul...or rebuild Nineveh???

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posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 10:36 PM
So, I was reading this CNN article:

...And it seems that some US officials was to collaborate with Iraqi forces to "recapture" the city of Mosul. Now, Im of the unsettling opinion that it is the US and Israeli tax dollars that are funding ISIS, and the only reason Mosul was taken in the first place was because the Iraqi military let it happen. For those of you who dont know, Mosul is literally across the river from the ancient city of Nineveh. Why is this important? Well, when read together, both Zephaniah 2:13-15 and Revelation 18:7 identify the city of Mystery Babylon as Nineveh.

Zeph 2:13 And He will stretch out His hand against the north And destroy Assyria, And He will make Nineveh a desolation, Parched like the wilderness. 14 Flocks will lie down in her midst, All beasts which range in herds; Both the pelican and the hedgehog Will lodge in the tops of her pillars; Birds will sing in the window, Desolation will be on the threshold; For He has laid bare the cedar work. 15 This is the exultant city Which dwells securely, Who says in her heart, “I am, and there is no one besides me.” How she has become a desolation, A resting place for beasts! Everyone who passes by her will hiss And wave his hand in contempt.

Rev 18:7 “To the degree that she glorified herself and lived sensuously, to the same degree give her torment and mourning; for she says in her heart, ‘I SIT as A QUEEN AND I AM NOT A WIDOW, and will never see mourning.’ 8 “For this reason in one day her plagues will come, pestilence and mourning and famine, and she will be burned up with fire; for the Lord God who judges her is strong.

The words of Iraqi Primeminister al Abadi:

"We are now planning an offensive on Mosul in the coming few months," the Prime Minister said. "We have to prepare for it carefully, because the only choice we have in Mosul (is to win). We have to win in Mosul to keep (ISIS) out."

The way I see it, the Iraqi military was probably told to stand down while Zionist funded ISIS could invade Mosul. Now that we are on the brink of world war, America can justify targeting ISIS combatants in Mosul, which will grant us access to Nineveh.

Is ISIS, America's instrument for preparing the way for the Anitchrist's return?

Judge for yourselves.
edit on 20-2-2015 by BELIEVERpriest because: added citations

edit on 20-2-2015 by BELIEVERpriest because: added citation

edit on 20-2-2015 by BELIEVERpriest because: punctuation

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 10:53 PM
I often ruminate on such matters and almost feel like TPTB/NWO are trying to make it appear as if prophecy is being fulfilled in an attempt to bring in a false anti-christ. This figure will be defeated by a real anti-christ that people will accept as being the hero. Just as I feel the NWO uses the current system as a way of scapegoating to gain our consent demanding what they have wanted all along. A real NWO in the vein of Brave New World.

These are just some musing I have had contemplating the subject and watching world events over the years. I don't really have any proof just a gut feeling about it and am always reminded of the "strong delusion". So many other prophetic events will have to take place but if they create the impression that it is happening they can influence how people think.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

Ive heard that scenario of the "false anti-christ", and I believed it at one point, but at this point, Im convinced that the real deal is coming soon. Did you happen to here that from Of course, Im thankfull that I wont be here to see him rise from the Abyss in person.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

No the idea has been something I have considered when thinking about NWO methodology. That and the strong delusion. There are a lot of believers in the world and many people preparing for such an event. Those people would need to be fooled somehow and the false anti-Christ idea seems the most plausible to me. They love their bait and switch. Also like I said there are many prophetic events that have not played out yet and the media hypes a lot of issues that seem to echo end times but turn out to be nothing but false panic. Like Ebola for instance, the down economy (not that the economy isn't down and intentionally crashing, but not to the point as indicated in the Bible), wars that aren't quite wars. etc.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

Tell me, are you a believer in the pre-tribulation rapture? I am. If you think about it, the antichrist could easily make the rapture seem like the baptism of fire, stating that before his advent, the tares were removed and only the "righteous" remain. Just as Jesus returns, the baptism of fire will do just that. Then, as Apollyon/antichrist rises from the abyss, the smoke will black out the sky. The antichrist could claim that his advent blacked out the sun, like Jesus' return would.

So many people believe that Obama is the Antichrist, and that USA is Mystery Babylon. It wouldnt suprise me if the real antichrist claims that Obama is the antichrist.

posted on Feb, 20 2015 @ 11:58 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

I am undecided still about the timing of the rapture. I don't think it will matter in some ways because there is nothing I can do about it other than deal with it. You do raise some interesting points though. I have heard some theories on how it would be explained by the anti-christ to those remaining though such as a mass alien abduction. Some think this is why people are conditioned through shows like Ancient Aliens to accept this idea but this gets into the whole aliens are really demons idea (which I believe) and goes into other theories like project blue beam and such.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest

The way I see it, the Iraqi military was probably told to stand down while Zionist funded ISIS could invade Mosul. Now that we are on the brink of world war, America can justify targeting ISIS combatants in Mosul, which will grant us access to Nineveh.

Is ISIS, America's instrument for preparing the way for the Anitchrist's return?

Judge for yourselves.

Interesting. I consider the replies to this thread to all be nonsense so far.
But it is interesting none the less. Interesting how people look to the Bible
for clues about current events. I do not. But perhaps those planing this do.
I do know that Zionist were planning to turn Christian toward the idea of
a state of Israel some 150 years before 1947. These people have long term
plans, that much is certain. Still Nineveh? Why. To play off the myths of
Christian eschatology? Maybe.

Personally, I don't believe the Bible contains any prophecies about the future.
However, if others believe it does, that belief can be exploited (and has been).

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: wasaka

They seem like nonsense if you only see the secular side of the NWO but if you look deep into their writings, the symbols of the groups they use and other areas there is a very real religious element. Even Pikes letter to Mazzini speaks about unleashing atheist and nihilist on the world around the time of the 3rd planned world war.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: NihilistSanta
a reply to: wasaka

They seem like nonsense if you only see the secular side of the NWO but if you look deep into their writings, the symbols of the groups they use and other areas there is a very real religious element. Even Pikes letter to Mazzini speaks about unleashing atheist and nihilist on the world around the time of the 3rd planned world war.

Mazzini: "Are you saying, 'There will be blood'."
Pike: "Yes, and there will be Nihilist Santa's wtih big guns too."
Mazzini: "Huh? Are you still on about the Big Red Nihilist Santa?"
Pike: "I'm telling you. Lucifer will unleash them and the atheist!"
Mazzini: "Oh, no! Not the atheist. Please master, no!"

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 03:53 PM
I would caution anyone believing in the Pre-Trib Rapture.

I am on the fence with it. That doesn't mean I disbelieve in it, and that doesn't mean I believe fully and whole-heartedly in it.

What I DO believe is that we should always be prepared spiritually because God has His plan, and it will happen. I DO believe in the End and believe we will quite possibly live to see it one way or the other. I simply am not sold that anyone of us knows for certain how it all falls out.

So, when I caution the Pre-Tribbers, it isn't because I think you are wrong. I don't know that and I hope very much you are right. What I caution you against is losing hope and faith if it doesn't happen that way. Similarly if the End doesn't come in my lifetime, I caution myself against losing faith against what has seemed like God drawing me in and warning me of the End most of my life.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

We shouldnt see the rapture as a crutch, but as something to hope for, but I advise anyone who is on the fence about the rapture, or anything else for that matter to draw a conclusion based on objective study of the OT and NT in its original languages. As long as you are undecided about the rapture, you will never really be able to grasp the full scope of the hidden spiritual concepts taught in the prophecies, since of course the rapture determines how and when certain prophecies are fulfilled.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

Intellectually I understand that and the idea of the timing of prophetic fulfillment.

I think the idea of the pre-Trib makes the most sense, but I don't want to get so caught up in my belief that I can't stay resilient if it proves to be wrong. The other theories also have their strong points.

I would just hate to see people fall away or be fooled into following the wrong person because things did not happen as they expected them to.

My dreams say we're going, but my dreams could also be influenced by the many concepts that are knocking around my brain.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I received one of those free Testaments in elementary school that used to be handed out. I read that thing over and over during my times of childhood depression, anxiety, loss, abuse - it was the one thing that got me through all the nightmares of my childhood existence. There were pages in the back with emotional terms so that if you were dealing with say sadness you could find passages in the book related to it.

As a child I was always drawn to Revelations. I love mysteries and I knew God was supernatural and could do anything he wanted and I also tried to figure out what John saw in the vision. It was a book of absolute horror but also of such hope. At that age I interpreted that we were going to be taken away. And I came to a belief of the Rapture before I even knew what the world believed about it. I would always feel such calm and peace when reading this. Many times I would start to doubt myself thinking I was just looking for an easy way out of the horrors of the end of the world. But I would always come to the same conclusion and have that same peace.

Now that I am an adult and have read many takes on Revelations, etc I still find that inner hope. I can't say I am right but like you I place my trust and hope in God and know it will all be okay. Id' be a fool to sit and wait for something to happen so instead I just live my life and wait for something glorious to happen. If it doesn't my life won't have been in waste. And I've realized now that when God speaks of us in the Bible it may not apply individually but as a group in whole. In fact I am almost wondering now if the majority of major events will be in the Middle East instead of worldwide. Yes, it will be worldwide but I do believe that the intensity, absolute blinding intensity, will be focused right where events started in the first place.

I've also had quite a few Rapture based dreams. And they come from out of nowhere and are always the same: I can sense panic in the world and people are running to and fro, many are going through a door, kind of like a bunch of lemmings, ha ha, and once through this door they are safe. I had one dream that was brilliant - I saw a storm approaching, a huge sky filled purple and green ugly storm brewing spontaneously and at turbo speed and I was watching through a paned window. I was worried for my family as I knew in my soul that this was the end. Suddenly I was floating upwards and bobbing around like a bubble just being drawn upwards and I was laughing with such joy. I felt joy like never before in my very being. And then bobbing along, laughing as well, was my husband and daughter. Just before we disappeared into safety I saw humungous burning asteroids hurtling towards the earth. This was the strongest one yet, about five years ago. I think many people, believers and non are having these dreams on an increasing scale. Children, babies are saying things that don't make sense but point to Jesus. We are living in the end times. But does that mean personally for me? I don't know. God's time is not my time but I sure hope so. I hope it's a pre-trib event but I can only hope. In the end this life will be but a shadow and we will be reunited with absolute love beyond comprehension.

Your take on it is the wisest way to look at it.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 09:13 PM
Spiritual Babylon is America. That great city is either N.Y. or D.C.
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

edit on 23-2-2015 by guitarplayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 10:14 PM
a reply to: guitarplayer

I've heard that theory....I've also heard that the city is the Vatican, Jerusalem, Istanbul, and even some place in Brazil, but the fact of the matter is that Zephaniah, Revelation, and Isaiah all identify Babylon as the ancient land of Babylon itself, and the city as Nineveh. If the bible gives us the answer, why speculate any further?

edit on 23-2-2015 by BELIEVERpriest because: spelling

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: ccseagull

I agree with you and know exactly what you mean. I know what mean about the dreams, too.

But I live my life as though I will die old in my bed because you just can't know for sure. We can only have faith.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 10:20 PM
There was another thread recently which had some post from another site from an alleged insider/servant to some supposed elite groups. He claimed they had facilities on uncharted islands in the south Atlantic. He described different factions of the elite ,and that one faction (anglo-american-zionist) were attempting to bring about a false armageddon/end times prophecies. I could not find the thread again but I thought it was interesting information if it is true. I encourage people to search it out. It could just be BS but you don't often hear that theory through all of the other noise.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: ccseagull

I agree with you and know exactly what you mean. I know what mean about the dreams, too.

But I live my life as though I will die old in my bed because you just can't know for sure. We can only have faith.

If you dont already, you should keep a detailed dream journal and be sure to record the dates you have your dreams. In my experience, prophetic dreams follow biblical numbers. For example, a series of dreams that deal with the same events may be spaced apart in multiples of 7: 21 days, 14 days, 105 day...etc. Dreams that involve testing, or decision making may be spaced apart by 40 or 120 days.

Ive seen these qualities in the dreams and visions of Iris Nasreen (a christian prophetess I monitor), and sometimes in my wife's dreams. If the dreams involve personal matters, then obviously they should be kept private, but, if your dreams are prophecies involving nations or the Church, then you should consider sharing them.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: guitarplayer

I've heard that theory....I've also heard that the city is the Vatican, Jerusalem, Istanbul, and even some place in Brazil, but the fact of the matter is that Zephaniah, Revelation, and Isaiah all identify Babylon as the ancient land of Babylon itself, and the city as Nineveh. If the bible gives us the answer, why speculate any further?

Hide and watch you will see the might of pax america that has the whole world drunk on her wine.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 12:45 AM
a reply to: guitarplayer

America will not be around as a super power for the Revelation prophecies. We are already half as powerful as we were seven years ago. Are you disputing the words of Zephaniah, Isaiah, and Revelation, which specifically name Nineveh as the harlot? Dont blur the Church Age with the 70th Week, you'll wind up totally confused. America will fall before the Harlot, Nineveh is revived. You can "hide and watch" for that.

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